Coin Bend Help!

Hello All,

I was wondering if there was anyone out there who could help me out with the coin bend trick. I have searched everywhere and can only find the trick similar to the "Superman Coin Bend" where the performer grasps the coin with both hands and bends the coin.

I have seen a friend perform a mentalist version of this trick where he simply asks a spectator for a random coin or a key. Then he places the coin or key between his right thumb and index finger while appearing to concentrate on the object. Without ever using his other hand the coin/key simply melts and bends...

I can not find out where to learn this trick anywhere. Everything I have found has been the "Superman" type of trick...

Can anyone help me out? Please get back to me here or write me at


Jun 10, 2008
There's a Joe Porper effect called folding money that results in a bent coin...

You can see it here

It's a pricey gimmick though... No experience with it, either...


May 26, 2008
Do you have Revolutionary Coin Magic? I think the television coin bend is something like what you described. It is also very simple.
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