problems with carnahan

Aug 31, 2007
pull your thub down about a half inch and to the right about a half inch

i had the same problem when i first started


Sep 2, 2007
what i am having the most trouble with is getting the index finger to spread the last few cards.., where you have to curl it
Sep 4, 2007
Practice? That's a good tip, sure, but, what if they don;t understand the correct technique quite yet, then practice is BAD. Practicing incorrect technique is never a good idea, because it is really tough to "unlearn" a poor technique in anything really.

I feel it is critical to make sure you have proper technique in place before getting into hard core practice sessions with any task. Cardistry, guitar, Swninging a baseball bat, Golf, or anything that requires proper technique to execute properly.

So, once you have the correct technique down, THEN practice. Find that sweet spot Warped talks about and examine the mechanics of the move carefully and patiently before practicing it 600 times...
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