You know you're a card artist when...

May 9, 2012
New York
when your parents give you money for food and you spend it on cards

when you do the werm in public to embarrass your friends
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Aug 30, 2012
When you practice a flourish during a meal, upside down on a carnival ride, or while playing poker or any other game.
All of this has happened with me in the past few days
Aug 30, 2012
If I leave the house to go to work, shopping, whatever I have a deck with me. I can't pass up a chance to practice
Aug 30, 2012
-When you flourish in public you say to yourself, "oh yeah I'm a BADASS!!!"
-When you drop your cards an impressed laymen is happy to pick it up for you.
-When you can "sense" people staring at you" because you go through it a lot in public when you flourish
-When you treat your cards the same or better than your phone
-you cannot do your homework without thinking about cards
-When you daydream about being Gambit!!

-If you hurt your hand or fingers you get really angry, even if it just a paper cut........

Where I work you can get burned and when I do it makes me very angry
Aug 30, 2012
I presume setting the deck down on the table, then picking up half of it and setting it aside, following this up with placing the bottom packet atop it, would be considered a normal cut. Lol.

Seems legit but they wouldn't know what a packet was
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