Card Trick

Nov 3, 2008
I recently was thinking of a trick to make, then it hit me. I am combining a multiple sort of tricks into one(including some stuff I made)

The effect is as follows
The spectator picks any randomly selected card
Then Proceeds to sign their card.

After they have their signed card, it goes back into the deck, where i then tell them it shouldn't be hard to find it, as i go through the deck, there is NO signature on ANY one of the cards.

I tell them I must have screwed up and we need to start again, so i have them pick another card.
They sign this card as well, then I proceed to take a match/lighter, and burn the card onto my arm, where the card they first pick is revealed.
After I see and they see what card shows on my arm, i hand them the deck and tell them to find their card, and the card they first picked is the signed card they signed in the deck.

Now, BEFORE anyone says its a trick deck, or a palm of some sort, there is NO palm, no dups, or anything just a standard deck of 52. The pen is any normal pen as well.

And the best part, you can hand anything out to be examined.

Let me know what you guys think of the effect!

I will be posting a video here shortly, I am not 100% comfortable performing this yet, which is why there is no video. Hopefully in a week or two I will have it up for you to see.

Let me know what you think
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