How did you learn magic?

How did you learn magic?

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Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
A combination of both. I study what interests me (and in the process, hopefully, discover more about myself as a performer, what I like performing, etc.), and get guidance from a mentor as to where I should be looking as well as other advice. In general, they are two different types of teaching/learning really.
Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
Well started with one book and continued learning mostly from DVDs from experts. I sometime try to repeat popular card magic by magician using my own techniques to produce a similar effect. :)
Sep 1, 2007
San Diego
I was lucky enough to have a magic shop close to my house for a good year or 2. Over summer I would sotp by LITERALLY every day and just walk around, one day the owner said if I wanted to learn something, I of course said "YES, OF COURSE I WOULD!"

It snowballed from there and he became a very close mentor and friend of mine.
Dec 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I started from a mentor. My friend has been doing magic for 5 years or so, and being around him so much, I figured out a double lift. I brought a deck of cards to school one day, and was doing a dl, but in a horredously wrong way. He corrected me, showed me how to do it, and then I kinda became an apprentice :p
Now I learn from books and dvds and stuff.
Jun 12, 2009
:D Person above me... your name is similar =]

Well anyways i learned from one of my friends. I dont really know how it happened. He just started doing magic, mainly things like apollo robins. He literally was good enough to take stuff/put stuff in my pocket without me noticing a thing. I just started learning with him. This is how i learned magic :D


Apr 3, 2009
leeds and halifax
a lot of book and dvds and a lot of help from god who gave me the key to use / my hands and some things that i have face as well as help me . and some who loves magic past and old things if i did not meet him i will not be in the past now ..jr ?
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