Improve Your Mind: Contest Details!

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I agree, but am not surprised. It's very easy to make yourself look all progressive and willing to change - to anonymous users on an internet forum - and a very different thing to take a real step when no-one's watching.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I understand your frustration.

As it was mentioned before, it is VERY easy for someone online to say they are entering and then when push comes to shove they take the easy way out and do not follow through with their plan.

Some people simply were overwhelmed and did not feel they had sufficient time, however it was not fair to extend the deadline due to the 15 people who did play by the rules and busted their butts.

The 15 essays that were submitted were OUTSTANDING. I have read all of them twice and enjoyed every minute of it. There are definitely some front runners.

Stay tuned for the next few days as myself and the other judges continue to digest these.

Wonderful job gentleman. This contest was exactly what Theory 11 needed.
Overall, I'm disappointed. Only 15 essays out of I think a possible 46. Less reading for me, but I'm pretty disappointed. It'll be hard for me now to convince the people I have on board for future contests to go along with it probably. So many people signed up, but most people decided not to do it. Shame shame.


Just a note I PM'd William explaining why there wasn't enough time for me to complete an essay due to the release of my new book "Conceptions of Mystery" releasing 48 hrs ago I'm sure the essays are insightful and I congradulate the winner but my respect goes to all of you that took their personal time out of their week to contribute to a contest that actually helps the community and not hinder it. I look forward to many more just like this.

Good luck guys!

I completely agree with praetoritevong, I expected 12 to 17 essays and my prediction is actually being mailed to the judges of the winner and the second and third place contestants. Or at least that's what I wanted to do, oh well, maybe next time :D.

To those who were busy, I think a few to many people made the excuse, and while I'm certainly not calling out anybody specifically or everybody either but just seems suspicious.
Jul 13, 2009
I am maniacally busy Architecture history >.< OOOOOOOOO!!!!! I do not like that class at all. Who knew one gosh darn forsakened picture of an old greek temple had seven pages of information to write notes on, and then memorize them and cite it all of them back out on the test. It would be that bad, but I got 75 more pictures to know about huzzaahh.

Silver_Fang is a stressed person at the moment,


I completely forgot during my rant about college classes, that I had time to write an essay.


I just realized my essay was to short, darn that's what I get for not reading everything. Anyway good luck to those who made the cut, its obvious most of the essays have an impression on Simon Cowell.
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Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I know it is perhaps disappointing to have many show interest and then a few handfuls of entries, but I would cut some slack. I had the most insane week (I'm glad I finished the essay Thursday, because Friday was a write off - police, fire department, alarms, arrests- sheesh!).
Sometimes, believe it or not, people really are busy. And that is a perfectly valid excuse, not a cop-out.
Just don't be so quick to lay judgments, because you never know what's going on on the other side of the screen.

Mar 29, 2008
I won't be as nice as Reverhart aka Paula Abdul...I found some of the essays to be painful to read. However, I can agree - there were a few standouts, that surprised me, and I was impressed with how they approached it.

I just want to say as a guest judge...if I never see the word entertainment defined from an online dictionary again, I will be VERY VERY happy. Good lord! I actually wrote - THIS contest is a PERFECT example for that thread we had on education and the importance of it. Communication skills are very important. I find defining the word in a critical thinking essay to be equal to writing a story and saying at the end, "it was all just a dream".

Our structure allowed you to score 25%, just off spelling and grammar, and sadly...FEW didn't have typing errors, grammatical errors or spelling errors (you know, MSWord has a button for most this stuff) - but don't get me started.

As far as not having more entries...I am happy we didn't, because even some of those that entered didn't take the time to write a strong essay that fit the criteria. I love that I am expected to take the time to read it, but a few really didn't put any thought into their words. One of the first rules of writing, write TO your audiences level.

Before you think I am flaming your essay because you used a dictionary or wikapedia it was many...realize that I always took the time to look past that. I also read your essays a number of times. I even pushed the spell check button for you!

Simon Cowell out!
Morgician nice post.

Although, how can you put so much meaning into grammar if most of the writers have been studying english for around 5 years. I have for 8 years, 2 recent years i have actually learned anything.

And also MSword and the Browsers word corrector fails from time to time.

Anyways, good luck to everyone. I know i used the dictionary result in my essay to an extend.


Deleted member 2755

I dont care who's essay was good, and who's was bad. I don't care who wins. I am just excited to read the winning essay....

Well, we never said we would post it. We have to first decide if it would be appropriate to do so. Then we would need to get permission from the original author of the essay. We may though.

Aye there's a good bit of eticate(spelling?) that should be observed with the winners essay.

I'll contact the winner privately once I have all the results added up and obtain their permission to post their essay.

Of course once that happens I guess it's only natural to say that anyone would be able to post their essay after the winners has been "published".
Mar 29, 2008
I was pretty liberal with my marking, yet hard - I looked for content. I don't think I docked any more than 1 or 2 marks max for spelling and grammar. I was surprised more didn't use quotes to back up their points....regardless, I see a few aces in a deck full of kings.

Good work - thanks for taking the time guys.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Although Morg referenced me as Paula, I will say that I was not high or drunk while grading your essays. Paula is fairly hot though in her old age. Ha Ha.

Deleted member 2755

Hey everyone. I just thought I'd post here the exact PM I sent the judges just minutes ago.

myself said:
Hey everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that I give my most sincere apologies for not getting my scores in early like everyone else. I planned on reading the essays today, but my friends decided at the list minute to do a school project that I wasn't planning on starting until next week. So I've been out all day filming, and I had to edit the entire thing. I then had to write an essay for a class. I know I'm just listing excuses, but they are true. I didn't expect to have all this stuff at the last second. I still planned on reading the essays at about 1 AM after finishing all my work... Well it's now 3 AM and I am just finishing my work. I'm sorry, but I will have the essays graded by tomorrow afternoon. Something like this will not happen again. I know I'm slowing the progress down, and I feel crappy for it. I apologize.


I believe we will still have the results up tomorrow night assuming there are no arguments over who the winner is. I just wanted to let everyone know the status of what's up. Now I'm going to sleep. I'll grade the essays as soon as I get home from school. Later guys.


Deleted member 2755

Just submitted my opinion to Draven. We have everyone's votes in. I'm still not completely positive who won, but I think we have an idea. :) Winner to be announced by Draven soon.

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