Christian Magic

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Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Your best bet is to get a good stand-up/parlor style show and pitch it to churches. Tell them to have a teens night and make it everybody's mission to invite a non-christian. Now your job is to open them up with magic that deals with biblical themes, but don't over do it or become preachy. Make it fun and use humor (something almost gone from most churches) and enjoy the moment.

I'm not a christian and will never do a christian-themed event, but the market is open and many magicians who are christians aren't tapping into it, so it could be a good ministry if you wanted to do it. Maybe try and get up with christian camps/events and ask if they want a christian magician.

Just a few thoughts, seeing as how approaching strangers on the street and tricking them (both with magic...and your reasons for showing). If you have friends who have questions, using magic to help explain what you're saying couldn't hurt though.

Great idea. I myself wouldn't only do church shows, but it is a great venue, largely untapped. Magician Brock Gill does this. Never seen him, but he looks really good.

hey buddy i am glad you came by...what i'm doing is more ministry through helping...i'm hosting shows and a higher percent of the proceeds always go to the needy family.....

i am tryign to make my shwo bigger by doing more of my original stuff as well as other magicians work...that in all will alow me to do more and show more, and i can help out even bigger....

This sparks in my mind a similar interesting topic, how would one go about using magic to promote/speak to a cause that they are passionate about? Perhaps a social justice cause? Thinking more in terms of the theatre, where most of it is trying to "say" something important. Entertainment for the sake of entertainment vs trying to "accomplish" something more "meaningful" (I say that relatively).

Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Great idea. I myself wouldn't only do church shows, but it is a great venue, largely untapped. Magician Brock Gill does this. Never seen him, but he looks really good.
There are a few, I don't know names, but some great effects can be turned into powerful messages...

This sparks in my mind a similar interesting topic, how would one go about using magic to promote/speak to a cause that they are passionate about? Perhaps a social justice cause? Thinking more in terms of the theatre, where most of it is trying to "say" something important. Entertainment for the sake of entertainment vs trying to "accomplish" something more "meaningful" (I say that relatively).


The same way one should approach anything 'touchy', very carefully.

I think doing a card stab routine to demonstrate cruelty of animals in the beef industry for PETA would be a little extreme, but the ad's they've been putting out (subjecting women if you ask me, but if they volunteer for the picture then I can't disagree with it) are just about as racy as magic that also preaches.

When dealing with people who are also for the topic you're presenting, it's easy. It's like political speeches, they only allow supporters into the crowds so they won't be booed or questioned while on stage. They look more successful that way (an entire 'random' crowd cheering for every word they say...)

As far as bringing awareness, if you're doing it with magic, use the same approach as though there was no magic. How would I say this or that to let the people know this is going on? How can I form this around a magic trick?

That would be my approach.
Sep 1, 2007
I am a christian magician doing magic to glorify God and spread the gospel
just wanted to know if any of you guys are too and if you are a christian magician how do you approach people and how do you transition from the trick and into the word of God :)))

I cringe when I see magicians who take what they do literally (aka talking to the dead, telekenesis etc) and try to install it into their audience.

But when brainwashed children who believe in fairy tales, try to brainwash other children, usually the outcome isn't good.

As for those quoting the bible. I have a few lovely christian quotes i could lookup if asked.
Things around the lines of "disobediant children should be punished by being stoned to death"

Nothing like hardcore religious nuts keeping life exciting.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
There are a few, I don't know names, but some great effects can be turned into powerful messages...

The same way one should approach anything 'touchy', very carefully.

I think doing a card stab routine to demonstrate cruelty of animals in the beef industry for PETA would be a little extreme, but the ad's they've been putting out (subjecting women if you ask me, but if they volunteer for the picture then I can't disagree with it) are just about as racy as magic that also preaches.

When dealing with people who are also for the topic you're presenting, it's easy. It's like political speeches, they only allow supporters into the crowds so they won't be booed or questioned while on stage. They look more successful that way (an entire 'random' crowd cheering for every word they say...)

As far as bringing awareness, if you're doing it with magic, use the same approach as though there was no magic. How would I say this or that to let the people know this is going on? How can I form this around a magic trick?

That would be my approach.

Hmm, I know we're going a tad off topic, but perhaps the extreme is where more people should take their magic when presenting an idea? Perhaps this is the most effective way, despite that it may make some uncomfortable?

Or perhaps on a less 'activist' path, this would be a useful skill for corporate shows or trade shows, where you might be asked to promote a message or a business or an idea to a crowd.

hmm, good thoughts.
Oct 12, 2009
Navarre, Florida
Hello umm.. firstly, i see what you are saying and I would be very insulted if someone came up to me and did that but I think there are some things that you are missing. One, when done the right way telling ther people about Jesus isnt nessecarily an insult and telling the other person that they are wrong and they are going to hell for eternity it is supposed to be casual, informative and nonjudgmental (after all its Gods job to judge not ours) Second, Matthew 28:19 says "Therefor go and make disciples of all nations..." so its my job as a christian to tell others about him. Though I do agree with you on not bashing them with the word of God and insulting them :))) That is wrong and unfair.

*Low orbit rant-powered cannon initiated. Commence fire*

I don't think I missed anything. Read the last paragraph of my post. I proposed an ethical way to handle it at the end. I think only the most hyper-defensive non-Christians would find that offensive.

As far as Matthew 28:19 goes I'd argue you may be taking that out of context. I'd like to point out that Jesus said that as instruction to his 11 disciples (woah, 11 disciples...theory 11...(O.O)...anyway) and NOT all of mankind.

I never liked the idea of cherry picking sentences from any book to make a point. For example:

Take John 15:6 "If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.".

Just looking at that line one could argue the bible is telling you to burn non-Christians. Are you going to do your magic for people, ask if they will accept Jesus and take a flame-thrower to them if they say no? Granted I'd find that hilarious it wasn't a serious question. When you actually read all of John 15 you can see that line is part of a much larger metaphor relating the vine to God and his world and the branches to everyone living in the world. So taking 15:6 in context its more accurate to say the line means those who don't accept God are cast away from him and live shells of lives without him which ultimately end in hell which the general consensus agrees, is all firey and bad.

Funny story though, it is believed that John 15:6 is the reason for non-Christians literally being burned during the Inquisition. So you can see what happens when you take a line out of context and run with it yes?

I can understand where you are coming from as a Christian and hope that you do sincerely want to help others. The truth is though most people just don't want to hear about it during some random encounter. It really is best you just become a great man and a great magician who happens to be Christian and lead by example.
Nov 20, 2009
Personally, I think you should be able to say what you want, and patter about what you want, however as was said before, "baiting and switching" people into listening to preaching is flat out evil.

I'm always wary when talking about religion, because you simply can't argue with people about it, it reaches a point where people throw up the "i'm offended" wall, and you can't proceed any further.

I believe that any message you want to say in your magic is fine, I personally have had conversations with friends, shown them a magic trick, and explained how easily people can be decieved into believing things they're told. However would I ever show that to a stranger, no, because you reach that "I'm offended" wall, and that ruins the fun for you and for them.

And the truth is, preaching christianity to someone is the exact same as telling them there's no god. One's just more acceptable socially in the US.

Anyways, this is a very very touchy topic with some people, and it shouldn't be really. However we have to accept that we live in a world with differences of beliefs, and if you really want to entertain someone and have fun, adding those beliefs will lessen the experience for both parties involved.
Nov 13, 2009
Pensyko wonderful thread thanks so much for starting it! And thanks guys for keeping every thing civil. usally when thread like this get started every one starts fighting but you guy's have kept things level even when you disagreed. Were all friends and I thank you. I am a Christian and I Love using magic to share the gospel. I live for sharing the gospel and if I can use illusions to do that then great.

Let me clarify though I am not in to "gospel magic" I perfer to do a couple tricks to attract some attention and make people feel confortable then I share the gospel I don't like to do both together because usually you have to water down the message to fit a trick. I am not knocking those who do gospel magic it is just not for me.

Okay so what I do is I grab some tricks and hit the streets. I just walk up to somone and be like "Do you mind if I show you something?" Then I proced to show them some tricks after showing them some stuff I say "The hand is quicker then the eye. would you sell one of your eyes for a million dollars" usually they say no then I say "Compared to your soul your eye is worthless!" Then I ask them "Would you consider your self to be a good person"

They usually respons "oh yeah!" I ask,

Have you ever told a lie ,they say, "yes" I say then like me you would be liar.

Have you every stolen anything? they say, " yeah when I was a kid." I say then you , like the rest of us, would be theif.

I say havey you ever taken Gods name in vain. They say yes I say that called blaspheme and it is very serious.

I say "So by your own adimission you would be a lieing blaspheming theif. (I have not judged them they admitted this on their own.) so would you be innocent or guilty when you face God? Guilty so would you go to heaven or to hell? Hell. does that concern you? Yes! I then tell them that the only way to Heaven is beleif in Jesus Christ and by repenting of your sins. Jesus died on the cross to save you from your sins but you have to repent and trust in him as your Lord and Savior.

I know it sounds a little strong but I have to tell it like it is. I mean people are going to hell I can't stand aside and not at least warn them.

I am so glad you started this thread illusions are a amazing tool that we can use to further the gospel and Pensyko keep up the good work. If you have any questions I will be glad to try to help in what ever way I can. Your right the Bible says it is our job to preach the gospel at all costs. It is awesome you want to do this and I encourge you to go out hit the streets share the Gospel and you will change the world.

Thanks all,



Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
As far as Matthew 28:19 goes I'd argue you may be taking that out of context. I'd like to point out that Jesus said that as instruction to his 11 disciples (woah, 11 disciples...theory 11...(O.O)...anyway) and NOT all of mankind.

I would submit that yes the context is the eleven, however, the lesson, implications, and charge is extended to all believers. This is known because of the larger context of scripture, and the continual charge to believers throughout (2 Tim 4 is one example). So he is taking into account the larger context. If you would like some more info, pm me.

Dec 30, 2008
what he said

Let's keep offensive things to the minimal amount please. Just out of respect for others and their ability to grow in their craft.


Now to answer the question. I think things shouldn't be pushed on someone. (As most people have said) And if you can find some way like Haunter said to bring it up, or take it out of the conversation. Do that! :D

I would also like you to think about associating yourself with the word "Christian". Over the years people claiming to be Christian have given our religion a bad name. Like in instances where people have murdered in the name of God. Like Ghandi said when questioned about Christianity, "Oh, I don't reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Nov 20, 2009
I think telling someone they're going to hell is a WEEEEEEEEEE bit over the line.

Aside from that, yeah, this is by far the most civil religion based topic I think I've ever seen.

I wonder if there are any scientologist magicians...

"As you can see, the card has purged itself of it's thetans and transformed into a blank card!"
hey, interesting question, first thing that springs to mind for me is to use a blank gaff card and get the person you are showing the trick to write god/love etc. and just do a persistent card trick.

Hope that helps
Nov 20, 2009
Well it would be hypocritical to rage about it. We're taught to love and so many choose to do so at their convenience.

Ain't that the truth (points to Phelps family).

Everyone has their hypocritical side, it's just weather you're aware of it or not, and what you do about it. *shrugs*
Oct 12, 2009
Navarre, Florida
I wonder if there are any scientologist magicians...

"As you can see, the card has purged itself of it's thetans and transformed into a blank card!"

Bro, I am STILL laughing at this as I'm typing lol...

JTMorris/Justin- Cool we use the same website as a source. I can see where you are coming from and will concede your view is probably more correct then mine concerning that instance. However, you can take that idea and run with it using the bible or whatever your holy book may be to justify just about ANY action. Take 9/11 for example (see also; the Spanish Inquisition. see also; The Salem Witch Trials. see also; Christian terrorists bombing clinics that perform abortions). Not comparing Christian magicians to terrorists at ALL just commenting on using the bible to justify your actions. But yeah with your interpretation in mind I could see exactly why he would see things that way and think its perfectly called for. The only question would be how he goes about it, which I've already said my piece about.

Nikerus and wzEnigma/Ian-Thanks for the support.

I think at this point I can't say too much more beyond reiterating statements I've already made. So until I can contribute more to the discussion I'll just be reading the posts. The whole subject is pretty fascinating and I am in sheer awe of the civility of everyone :)
Sep 1, 2007
Personally, I think you should be able to say what
I'm always wary when talking about religion, because you simply can't argue with people about it, it reaches a point where people throw up the "i'm offended" wall, and you can't proceed any further.

why not?
religion has been shoved down the throats of every type of person world wide for the past 5000 years, its damn time people with REASON fight back.


Jul 19, 2009
This approach might be useful and sensible in America, as it is very Christianity friendly. Another point I would like to point out is that this approach does make a lot of sense, if you live by the beliefs of Christianity, and then use an art to express yourself, I kind of see them coping in that way. But once again, this most likely works the best in America.
In Sweden (stated to have 73% lutheran Christians, while in reality it's one digited) it wouldn't be very popular, you would probably meet up with a lot of resistance and argumentations.

It's all about how you put it, and what you put it about. If you made an effect themed about why Intelligent Design is the truthful evolution theory, a lot of people would not only be offended, but also very intrigued for a debate, including me.
Pretty much, if you put any form of theological explanation that challenges common sense physics, you will be in the danger some for a debate, and that will hurt your performance badly.

Now you can talk about Jews course of history through time, how they have been tramped on through so many years, for so many different reasons, that they needed to do something.
This is where you start talking and explaining about the Jewish Defense League and do an Ambitious Card Routine while explaining how the Jews kept coming back, refusing to just be stepped upon.

Do you see my point? It's very important that you avoid a challenging approach (Religion vs Science), unless you are willing to balance it, making an effect where you explain the religious theory, and then the scientific theory, and then you do some color changes that proves the religious theory right.
What's important is that you do not go in with the attitude that "this is correct, this is incorrect", you can play on the very fine red line, but carefully.

Other than that, don't get too cheesy about how God gave you divine powers, that would probably even be too cheesy for your fellow Christian friends.
Nov 20, 2009
why not?
religion has been shoved down the throats of every type of person world wide for the past 5000 years, its damn time people with REASON fight back.

Years ago I would've agreed. However in the past few years I've grown up a little bit.

Do I think religion is false, yes.

Do I think it's fair to criticize, yes.

But the bottom line is if you are an entertainer, you're going to cut off huge scores of people you can entertain if you are going to put messages like that in your magic... and regardless of wheather it makes sense to you or not, people will disagree and it's simply an unwinnable arguement.

I learned that lesson the hard way, just like I'm sure many christians have learned that some people just won't listen to them.

Mind you my perspective might be shifted because I am a canadian... definately different from the US in that regard.
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