Some new stuff and some awesome stuff

Dec 18, 2009
I posted these questions on the steven's cull video but I'll ask them here also.

Quoted from my comment on Steven's Cull:
Hey, I've heard this is hard as balls, is that true? Also, did you cull them to the top and then riffle stack? Or does the cull allow you to cull them into desired positions?

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Stevens Cull = Great execution. Amazing conviction, relaxed performance. It was very good.

Boat Control = Cardsexchange.

Octo Change = Looks like the Orbinase Change, by Chris Brown, which can be seen here.


carsexchange isnt the same,but its been brought to my attention that my boat control is actually a move by arthur pitt called "ambitious topper control"

octo change is the same lookingbut a very dif. tchinique;)
Jun 22, 2009
carsexchange isnt the same,but its been brought to my attention that my boat control is actually a move by arthur pitt called "ambitious topper control"

octo change is the same lookingbut a very dif. tchinique;)

Orbinase Change looks far more visual then yours. What would be the advantage to using yours?
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