Trifecta or 3Fry?

I'm going to make my first 1on1 purchase from Theory11, and I'm thinking about getting Trifecta or 3fry. I'm not yet amazing skilled with coins yet, but I can pull off most sleights well enough.

If not one of these videos, are there any others you would recommend to me, im looking for just one trick to study, instead of a dvd like David Roth's.

Thanks for your time and input.
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
i think 3fry is easier than the moves in Trifecta. Again do you want 3 vanishes or do you want a routine. Also look into Hellbound Spellbound, its a great effect.
Jan 5, 2010
Not amazing with coins? Stay away from Hellbound Spellbound, and 3 Fry is really good, but what would be better for you is... yes, 3 FLY!

I loved Trifecta, it was the first thing I got when I started with coins. Homer teaches great and the vanishes get great reactions.

Learn stuff you can actually do, then jump into routines.
Feb 5, 2010
go for trifecta. its the first coin download i got from this site and it was great. plus learning a few tricks would be better before jumping into routines if your just starting out


Jan 29, 2010
when you do the melt vanish does it matter if the coin is straight when you turn your hand ie on the finger when pulled back
Apr 20, 2010
get trifecta, it's a lot easier than 3fry.
I'll argue that. I'm not a real big coin worker and I found 3fry REALLY easy after about 3 days of practice.

Well 3fly is a routine and trifecta are 3 different vanishes. So its what you are in the mood for or what you want. I love both.
Trifecta's moves can be used as a routine.

Thanks for all the advice, I'm learning Mirage Et Trois from Totally Out of Control, I think I'm going to go with Trifecta, just for those vanishes.
Mirage Et Trois is quite difficult compared to 3 fry and trifecta's moves. Just saying.
Apr 20, 2010
Menage et trois is the trick by chris Kenner, not Mirage Et Trois, that was by Eric Jones......

Ack! I almost never make that mistake myself. However, I did infact mean the effect from TOoC "Menage Et Trois." Using this as an excuse here is terrible but i'm going to throw it out there anywhay: my English isn't perfect. Isn't that funny? A French name and I'm talking about english, hah.

Either way, the one from kenner's book is hard.
Aug 2, 2008
Trifecta's moves can be used as a routine.

I guess I would agree. You can always string vanishes together to make it a one coin routine. But I personally wouldn't use it as such. I like the vanishes and can see myself using each in other routines. It would make those routines look even better.
Aug 2, 2008
trifecta. 3 fry is easy and this no big effect.Trifecta is cool productions and cool vanishes.

It CAN be easy but that doesn't mean it is. Unless you are have all the nuances, I think lots of spectators will be able to figure it out. If good, it can been awesome. If you don't have your sleights polished, it can look terrible (I would know...I tried performing it when I wasn't ready and got called out. Huge regret of mine!)
Jun 29, 2009
Saginaw, MI
I think that trifecta is more difficult than 3 fry, If you make it look good then it is difficult. You can do any trick but it takes time and practice to make them look good. Personally I liked Trifecta because you can take the vanishes and utilize the into other routines. Also trifecta shows important techniques that will help any beginner coin handler.
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