I'm writing a book

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Sep 1, 2007
That is a great idea, I am also a magician and a writer. I am only 14 but have already written a couple of novels, (Realistic fiction). I am thinking about writing about a teen magician and throughout the story the reader always guesses if the person has powers or if it is just slight of hand, since I can't say "Did a helix 180 cut and controlled the card to the top and then did a double lift…" That would make no sense to the reader and I can't be giving away stuff now can I. I think your idea is great and can have a lot of potential. My best advice for any writer is to know your characters well because they make the plot. I would love to read some of it when you get some chapters out. Pm me. I'll send you some of my stuff if you want.

I'm sorry did anyone else trip up on this at all?

Doesn't sound like a bad idea by the way, but then again it's not even a plot idea at the moment. A plot line and/or blurb could let us in a bit more.

Short story or a novel?

Apr 6, 2010
The best filmmakers are all very well-read people. Film, at its best, is very much an extensive of literature. If you imagine yourself ever holding your own in a conversation with Scorcese, Spielberg, Coppola, Allen, etc. you may want to get that college English class under your belt.

I know, i didn't mean that by dropping English Lit i dropped my reading and writing interest, as i previously said i am working on a major novel at the moment. What i meant was that because i dropped English Lit, i probably missed out on learning on some major authors such as Kurt Vonnegut.

I have always and will be a very well read person, its strange because i find that i cant function properly if i don't have at least one book on the go. I jump around a lot between genres too, reading McCarthy's The Road at the moment, before which i was reading Chandler's hard boiled fiction - so yeah i read a variety.

By the way on all of your recommendations i have ordered Slaughterhouse 5.

Just wanted to establish that i do have a lot of confidence in English Lit and thats why i felt there was no point continuing it in college on top of my other classes. I am also converting my current novel into a screenplay.

Also i agree that film is an extensive of Literature, Allen is probably the best example, as a lot of his visualisations are very poetic in their nature.
The best filmmakers are all very well-read people. Film, at its best, is very much an extensive of literature. If you imagine yourself ever holding your own in a conversation with Scorcese, Spielberg, Coppola, Allen, etc. you may want to get that college English class under your belt.

I don't want to get into a film debate here, but calling Scorcese well read (especially early on in his career) is kind of laughable. He's more well versed in life and film than literature. He spends most of his days watching movies. He often states that he simply sits for days at a time watching films non stop.

Anyways, directors from the french new wave (who really influenced director's such as Scorcese) were promoting that film be regarded more highly like literature.

Aug 14, 2015
great idea to write a book and you know you are like me and i also wanna write a book but couldn't get suggestion . however as you said that you wanna try to write yourself and it will be truth but remember when a man sits to write he will attach some outside thing that is not true . so just survive your truthfulness and at the time of writing there may be come outside concept , please don't include it to your book . thanks, hope you will be successful
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