Ricky Smith's Cherry Control

Jul 13, 2008
It was alright. It's not smooth enough, though, and the jog was really noticeable. A few years ago I made the dreadful mistake of posting videos of MY cherry control when it wasn't smooth enough. Keep practicing it dude. Just a question; if you knew it wasn't great, why did you post a video of it? Was it to get advice on how to make it better?
May 31, 2010
It was alright. It's not smooth enough, though, and the jog was really noticeable. A few years ago I made the dreadful mistake of posting videos of MY cherry control when it wasn't smooth enough. Keep practicing it dude. Just a question; if you knew it wasn't great, why did you post a video of it? Was it to get advice on how to make it better?

yeah man, i'm trying hard to improve so I figured I'd just post a video and see what people have to say. I don't mean to post a video just for the sake of posting a video, but I needed advice on this one. Hope it doesn't offend anyone.
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Jul 13, 2008
I'm sorry if I came off that way. I didn't understand the purpose of the video but now I do. You'll get better as you keep practicing dude.
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