Kick ass prediction effect?


I was asked by my school to do a magic trick at a school day coming up, now I want to do a prediction effect. With multiple people, multiple predictions. Like some super cool David Copperfield type prediction.

Is there anything like this on the market? If so where?



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Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I think playing something up really big like Copperfield does is the way to go. You will want or need to have something tossed out into the crowd like the frisbee or balls or something to show the randomness of the spectators.

Good luck with this. I don't do any stage or big predictions but am interested in hearing how this goes for you. I am going to be purchasing 13 Steps as well soon.
Mar 28, 2009
HAmburg Germany
If you want to involve your audience I'll suggest you do the "Tossed out deck" or Jay Sankey's Simply devine. They are both really cool prediction effects.
Jul 8, 2009
I almost suggested post mentalism but the pay off is when the letter is actually received. By defnition that will take a couple of days and only one indivdual will actually receive the letter.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
I thinking some thing like what David Copperfield does where he has a box with a big piece of paper and predicts various things.

Or like a lotto prediction.

Just something big.


That's pretty much your standard confabulation routine/effect. A ton of mentalists have done it over the years. I know the same basic type effect is in PMM or one of the chapters of 13 steps. It obviously won't be exactly like Copperfield routine because he has most like updated his act over the years. But the same basic principle and effect is in the prediction chapter of 13 steps.
Nov 8, 2007
Check out Fourth Dimensional Telepathy. Here's a performance by Richard Osterlind off his Easy to Master Mental Miracles set (this is from volume 3). It's a mindreading act but could easily be changed to a prediction act by altering your presentation. Here's another performance by Bob Cassidy.

Also, definitely check out Tervil. This sounds like it's exactly what you're after. You write down three predictions on a piece of paper and hand it to an audience member to hold. Now a spectator writes down three things--let's say a number, name, and a color--and then folds up the paper. All three choices are completely free and no one sees or knows them but the one spectator. However, when both pieces of paper are opened the mentalist's and the spectator's match. The mentalist's prediction is also signed by a spectator so everyone can verify it isn't being switched, and held by a spectator until it is time to be revealed, which the spectator unfolds and reveals as well. The effect is very direct, and this plays very strong. It's a very bold effect, but it will fool the absolute hell out of you. This is also on volume 3 of Easy to Master Mental Miracles, but if you have Practical Mental Magic by Anneman it's in there as well. This is indeed a kick-ass prediction.

You may also want to check out Clipline--another classic prediction effect in mentalism. A prediction is given to an audience member to hold. The mentalist then shows an article from a newspaper. He runs a pair of scissors down the article until a spectator says stop. Free choice. He cuts exactly where they say stop. The cut piece flutters to the floor. A spectator picks it up, verifies all the words are different. He reads the words from first line where the cut was made. The prediction in the envelope matches. Good dramatic effect that feels extremely fair, and is easy to do. Makes a great opener. This is taught on Richard Osterlind's set also, volume 2. He has has a pretty awesome improved handling on volume 6 his Mind Mysteries set that adds to the impossibility of the effect, as well as extends the routine.

Hope this helps.
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Jan 16, 2008
Matt gave some really good examples of multiple predictions. Just one sidenote, though; Bob's performance of Fourth Dimensional Telepathy is so much more engaging than Osterlind's, in my opinion. If you are to perform FDT, don't present it just as a puzzle or trick, but something more. Even the simplest prediction can become kick-ass if you present it as such. Good luck!


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
I'm doing a confabulation effect and I'm just going to have the prediction rolled up in a tube you can get at the post office. Then I'm going to hang the tube in full sight for a week until my talent show. Hype, hype and more hype.
Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
I would suggest you to do the type of "prediction effect" Jason Randall once did on The Late Show using the one ahead principle ...

You can watch it right here, he closes when the prediction effect. Its very simple and yet very powerful when done with the right patter
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