My Favourite Embarassing Moment

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
It caught me off guard at the time, but it's one of my favorite stories to retell.

I was doing my ambitious card routine for a crowd of people at a walkaround gig... All of the people were watching were teenage boys roughly my age. I began by having a card selected and signed. Now half the time, because their teenage guys and because I'm their age, they'll write something obscene on a selected card as opposed to their name. I always go with it.

So they return the signed card and, lo and behold, they've written "Peni$" Great, I thought.*

Now, when I perform the routine I always refer to the selection by the name on it... For example, "The Adam Card" or "The Miranda Card". So for the extent of the routine I refer to it as "The Peni$ Card".*

So I repeatedly did ambitious phases, all the while referring to "The Peni$ Card". However, near the end of the routine, I catch a glimpse of the boy who signed the card... He looked slightly upset.

He then looked straight at me and sternly said "My name.... Is Denis."

There you have it! What are some of you most embarrassing performance moments?
Mar 16, 2010
OMG! XD Denis = Penis. You thought that it was the letter 'P'. Hahahaha!!! This made my day. Good story there bro. I think that my most ambarasing moment was when my english teacher asked me to do some magic in front of my class. Classmate selected a card, put it back in the deck and then i did some false cuts and then by mistake... i did a legit cut. His card was now realy lost! I thougt "ok, i will just shoot the cards in the air and maby i will find the card". I shoot out almost half the deck and none of them were there card... :)


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Mine is actually very funny because i screwed up one of the easiest tricks in all of magic....The Invisible Deck. I felt like a major dumbass. Thank god I didn't ever say I predicted their card! Otherwise it would've been insanely terrible. Here's the story:

So the guy picked the 7 of Diamonds. Without exposing the effect here on the forums, I looked through the cards and looked for the wrong card by mistake. I was off by 2, so the 9 of diamonds was turned over instead of the 7. But I played it off saying it was a very close guess. So anyways, I did screw up badly but I thought it wasn't that bad, just because of the close card it seemed a little better because it was only 2 off and was the same suit. So a little embarrassing, but I recovered by doing more easy and simple quick effects to keep his attention.

I still can't believe I screwed up the Invisible Deck, I still think I am a major dumbass for doing that, but oh well, $hit happens!

Jul 14, 2008
Hey Michael!

Believe it or not, I had the exact same experience when I performed ACR, except they wrote Peni$ on purpose. They were around my age and a high school students.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
That has to be one of the funniest magician stories Ive heard in awhile and I've heard a lot from our ring.

One that comes to mind that I did was utilizing a dollar bill effect called Bye George.
Basically without exposing the method, there is a way to "hide" a coin in the actual bill and then make it appear again and when I reached into my pocket I pulled out a regular bill. Needless to say when it was time to vanish the coin "inside" the bill, boy was I surprised to find I had grabbed an actual one dollar bill off my dresser and not my gaff.

I quickly through the dollar in my top shirt pocket and said, "Ah....who likes money tricks anyway" and moved on to the next I feel dumb.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
That is funny because that is my finale to my ACR. Card to mouth. "And the penis card ends up in my mouth"....ahhhhh....gross.....ha ha.
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