Smoke Review!

Apr 20, 2010
I got smoke ~2 hours ago and I've been psyched to get it since the new site came out.

I opened my package and examined the contents and thought the gimmick was missing. Then it hit me.

Wow, what an ingenious idea. I was so stunned. I watched the dvd, learned the effects, and find that this is so simple to perform. I performed for some people around my condo and they were stunned. I probably did it twice in a mirror and I was set. There is NO difficulty with this trick and it is a complete utility tool. I can see myself using this for many tricks. Coin vanishes and reappearances are at the top of that list as this gimmick is perfect for that.

My last physical purchase from T11 was CRUSH, and to be honest I was fairly dissapointed, but got over it eventually and learned to love it. I had high expectations for Smoke and it met all of them. I love it. It's great.

If you're thinking about getting this, stop thinking and get it. I'm so happy I did. I don't order online much so I'll probably get a few refills and be set for, honestly, life. This is a great trick and the possibilities truly are endless. You'll kick yourself when you see how it's done.

T11, thank you for an awesome product!

Ratings and stuff:

DVD: 4/5

Happy with the DVD. It has a few trick ideas and simple teaching from Dan White. I was disappointed that Rorrison was not in this himself, and that the dvd's contents were not extremely long, but Dan has quite a few ideas to bring to the table. Not all of these are card tricks or smoking tricks but tricks with things like coffee and whatnot. It's great to have so many ideas because it only helps you think of more.

Teaching: 5/5

There is barely anything to teach! This trick is so simple, Dan White makes it 100% understandable and gives many ideas which are bound to spark creativity.

The Gimmick: 5/5

I can't say too much, but I'll leave it at one word: awesome. Ingenious device that I will honestly carry anywhere.

Quality: 5/5

Quality is great, as always. Clear HD that demolishes any large screens. 720p. ( )

I can't recommend this enough. There is one question I have that was unanswered in the DVD, I'll email or PM someone.

May 9, 2008
I received mine today! It's awesome. I guessed what the gimmick was before I received it, and I was right! I can't wait to try it out.
Nov 10, 2007
I am curious for the card to mouth. Please do not answer, if you feel it leads to exposure.
My main concern is that, I wont be able to talk while performing the effect. So for the card to mouth is it possible to load the gimmick in the mouth while loading the card, or is the gimmick to noticeable. Also I am sure he gives a routine for this effect, so would you say the routine he applies is very practical, for say restaurant work?

Thank you
Apr 20, 2010

I doubt I will have to refill it often at all. With the purchase, you're given 5 "packs" and I've used one almost non-stop today and it's still alive and kickin'.

@Donald C

Let me get back to you. I'll rewatch it. If my memory permits, I don't remember him actually giving a routine for c2m. Let me get back to you as I rewatch it.

EDIT: I skimmed through the ideas section and he, indeed, does not have a c2m routine. However, the actions for loading the smoke into your mouth are completely motivated and it hides from spectators in plain sight.

I have a more straightforward answer, but it would likely reveal something. I'll leave it at: yes, you can load a folded card and the smoke into your mouth at the same time. I actually have an idea that would work perfectly for c2m and if you ever decide to purchase smoke shoot me a PM and I'll send it your way.
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Apr 20, 2010

Whoopsie me, I was tired. But I inlcuded a picture to show you the proper display size.


Thanks for the wonderful idea. It's so simple, you wonder why you didn't think of it yourself.
Nov 8, 2007
Something I'm curious about is how invisible and practical loading the smoke into your mouth is.

If you have a deck of cards in one hand and you're in the middle of a routine and you're talking and you hit a point that you want to produce smoke, how difficult is that to achieve? If you're talking as you're doing a routine and you hit a point where you want to blow smoke over your hand to make a ring or coin vanish, is that something Smoke is designed to achieve or is it something that the routine would need to be altered for in order to incorporate the loading of the smoke or use of the Smoke gimmick?
Apr 20, 2010
@Mat La Vore

I don't want to run the risk of revealing everything, but if you want to perform smoke in a card trick, the gimmick practically does all the work. In fact, you don't do any work to load your mouth to the brim with smoke, it just naturally happens because of the gimmick usage.

To answer your question, existing routines may have to be changed slightly so that you can incorporate the gimmick, but you use the "gimmick" normally in TONS OF TRICKS.
Oct 9, 2008
I would like to add this to Wayne Houchins French kiss routine and have the smoke loaded when you pull the card into your mouth, and then have the smoke enhance the switch. If this could be done i am sold, this looks great.

Apr 20, 2010

Once you see the gimmick, you'll know why. It's a seriously useful utility tool and I can't stress that enough.
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