theory11 special bulletin - At This Moment


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
At this moment three years ago, after 6 months of dedicated work on the part of countless individuals, I pushed a button. At this moment three years ago, this journey and this home we call theory11 was born. We poured countless sleepless nights and every ounce of passion we had into that foundation, and we could not have done any of it without the unbelievable team of artists, advisors, developers, core crew, and members that brought this place to life.

Especially at this moment, every year, I like to take a step back and think about where are at. Realistically, what we have accomplished. With humility, where we have triumphed. Without regret, and with transparency, where we have not. In the process I learn a lot - I have learned a lot, and we will continue to listen to your feedback as we continue to grow, advance, and evolve.

In the three years since our inception, things have changed for the better. Our community of artists has blossomed from 11 to over 36. Some faces have changed. Many new ones have emerged. Our community of members - you guys - has grown by leaps and bounds. Our product line has aggressively propelled from a select few to over 150 unique items, almost all of which developed and produced entirely in house. We have remained true to our principles. And we have remained true to our vision.

We are, of course, imperfect. My goals for us collectively in the coming year are ambitious. What we seek to accomplish is far beyond where we have reached thus far. We are just getting started.

I am proud of our product line and I am adamant that the releases this month are some of the finest we have ever done. Guided by our advisors and creative team (led by Dan White), we have held true to the motto "quality over quantity." Our work is living proof that that concept can prevail in an industry full of fluff and mediocrity.

I am proud of our team, without which none of what we have done would have been possible. Especially this new site - now much more polished and tweaked and refined than ever before. Our entire team poured blood, sweat, tears, and caffeine into making this a reality, and the result is absolutely amazing. In particular, with constant guidance and hard work throughout the creation of this new site, I have to acknowledge Andrei Jikh, Dan White, Richard, Anand, Bryant, Chris Kenner, Katie Kenner, Jon Raiker, James Begera, and super chef Bobby Flay. Okay, maybe not Bobby Flay.

Most of all, and more than words can describe, I am proud of our members. This community has evolved and matured significantly over the past three years, and now stands more active than ever before, with involvement from artists on all sides of the industry.

I challenge everyone to challenge yourselves in the coming year. Set a goal and stick to it. Live a little. Dream a little. Think outside the box. And please, join me in wishing theory11 a very happy third birthday.
Oct 11, 2007
I definitely extend a very large thank you to all of you guys who have contributed to Theory11, as well as a happy birthday to Theory11 as a whole! I remember joining just after it all started, and man has it changed, all for the good of course.

As for the goal, I'll think on it and make it about as unattainable as possible, then do everything I can do to reach the top. It'll definitely be based off of the words in my signature. We'll see!

Thanks again Theory11,

May 10, 2010
I wish T11 a happy third birthday. I've enjoyed being here and will always enjoy it! Thanks to T11 I've learnt alot since I started magic and cardistry.

Jun 5, 2010
New York, New York
Happy Birthday Theory11. Can't thank you guys enough for creating a place where people who are new to the Magic world can come together and learn not just from highly seasoned professionals but also from one another. I actually learned my first real effect from you guys. And this forum has always provided answers, opinions, and views on anything that I would have to ask. I wish you guys nothing but the best in the years to come. And thanks again for packing so much awesomeness into one site!
Oct 31, 2007
Happy birthday Theory11! You have come far and have done a lot. It's been fun to watch this company grow and change over the years. I believe it's only going to get better. Thank you for being such a reliable company ever since the start.
Oct 8, 2007
Charleston, SC
It's certainly has been an amazing 3 years. I'm honored to be part of such an outstanding organization and community. With the assistance of our team here at theory11, and the ongoing feedback from our members - I can truly say it's been a positive 3 years of growth for myself.

Here's to the next year! Without a doubt it will be an awesome one.
Apr 27, 2010
Thank you, JB, to you and your team for your continued hard work and passion towards this site. It's obvious that you guys have fun and enjoy what you do. From a business and customer service standpoint you guys are one of the finest in the business.



Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
Looking back 7-8 years ago, I wouldn't believe I would one day meet JB and work with him, its been a pleasure and an honor. It's been fun, I met a lot of great people through theory11 and it is a pleasure to work with the people that I do. Its been a great learning experience in every sense of the expression. I can't wait to see what we look like in a few more years!

PS: Bryant, I love your avatar pic - IIISS NIIIICEE!!!
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