what is your favourite 5 magicians in the world

Jul 13, 2010
Ditto, I also can't believe Dan & Dave got mentioned so many times, with only one mention of both Harry Lorayne and Guy Hollingworth.

But, like someone else said, it's all about trends. I seem to remember a similar thread a few years ago where Daniel Madison was mentioned a lot. Funny how he only came up a few times in this one...

Well yes. And I think it depends on the age. Go to E-Forum and you´ll see Brad Christian as one of the favorite magicians in 'Who is your favorite magicians'- threads. That shouldn´t sound disrespectful (I have nothing against BC), but when someone mentiones BC as a favorite magician, leaving LEGENDS and MASTERS uncalled (I assume they don´t even know about them), it´s obvious how strong the influence of these magic-lifestyle-websites is on the kids.

That´s one of the reasons I like Theory 11. People tend to be more open here.
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Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
I'm not trying to sound arrogant with my first favorite magician but these are my favorites in no particular order except that I am first

Me! - I am my favorite magician! I will never be exactly like another magician!
David Stone
Jay Sankey
Danny Garcia
Mac King

David Stone's work is truly amazing (as is the others), Jay Sankey's stuff has taught me A LOT of what I know. I admire Danny AND Jay because of their creativity. Mac King is SUPER entertaining to watch. ALL FOUR of those guys I admire for how hilarious they are!
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
No it isn't. It is confidence. It help's me a lot in my performances. I like who I am and I know I have a lot to learn and a long ways to go and I am in no way saying that I am better than anyone or anything like that. I simply like who I am and how I perform and that makes me my favorite magician. Its a confidence boost! Helps a lot when the nerves come along when I start performing!
May 15, 2010
With Gerard Way
Chris Kenner – In General
David Acer – Humor and Personality
Wayne Houchin – He Looks Like A Vampire
Daniel Garcia – It Is My Dream To Hug Him (It was also my dream to hug Billy Mays………never mind)
David Stone – He Can Talk Perfectly With A Card In His Mouth (French)
Bill Goodwin – He Feeds Me Chocolate
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Jun 10, 2010
No it isn't. It is confidence. It help's me a lot in my performances. I like who I am and I know I have a lot to learn and a long ways to go and I am in no way saying that I am better than anyone or anything like that. I simply like who I am and how I perform and that makes me my favorite magician. Its a confidence boost! Helps a lot when the nerves come along when I start performing!

When you have to explain it like that, it sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself that. Just so you know. There is a very slight chance that you're serious, but if it was confidence, you wouldn't have explained every little detail why.
Jul 13, 2010
Whit Haydn is hilarious. Always a pleasure to watch him perform.
I´ve to add one more. Jason Latimer. His Glass cups and balls routine is the best of its kind I´ve ever seen.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
1. Richard Simmons
2. Chuck Norris
3. Harry Potter
4. Bullwinkle
5. Your Mom

My mother is a great magician. :) Or not... She doesn't even approve of me doing magic. Why did you bring that up, Asher? (crys)

1. Ricky Jay
2. Tommy Wonder
3. Aaron Fisher
4. John Guasteferro
5. Dai Vernon

If I could add one more (and this way, I am) it'd be Doc Eason. And then others that comes to mind are pretty close jumbles.

p.s. Subject to change whenever I feel like.
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Dec 17, 2010
1. Dan and Dave (tied since they both make tricks together)
2. David Blaine
3. Cyril Takayama
4. None
5. None

I put dan and dave at the top because i love how their tricks, you can tell someone how to do it, but they cant perform it themselves because it requires hardcore sleights :D
Dec 21, 2010
1 - Lennart Green
2 - Simon Aronson
3 - Derren Brown
4 - Jeff McBride
5 - Pit Hartling

no specific order.. i love all of them.. and there a least 10 more that are as good as they are..
Dec 21, 2010
1 - Lennart Green
2 - Simon Aronson
3 - Derren Brown
4 - Jeff McBride
5 - Pit Hartling

no specific order.. i love all of them.. and there a least 10 more that are as good as they are..
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Rich Aviles has a great offbeat sense of humor
Steve Beam is highly skilled with cards and (again) great humor that sneaks up on you
Ricky Jay could make the top 5
Mac King is just one hell of an entertainer
Penn and Teller not just for their magic, but everything they do is both entertaining and smart.

I like old clips of Doug Henning, Dai Vernon, and David Copperfield.
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