Cam Con Transpo By Paul Wilson. Please Help!!!

Jun 10, 2010
im not looking for a reveal but i have a question for anybody that has BOUGHT this trick.
Here is the link

does this use a pass if so can i do a herman pass. if this does not use a pass at all is it anything like a pass or is it more difficult. keep in mind im not trying to get a free trick i just want to know before i buy it

He uses a classic pass. Yes, you can use a hermann instead of a classic.
Jul 14, 2010
it also uses another pass,wich you cannot substitude with a herman pass

but its a good chance to start learing those passes ;)
it also uses another pass,wich you cannot substitude with a herman pass

but its a good chance to start learing those passes ;)

well i would LOVE to use the classic pass but my hands are too small. it has alot to do with my fingers their not long enough to get up there and shift the packets. i can also do the spread pass by paul lepaul
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