Katie E's Profile

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Aug 31, 2007
On a more serious note, she isn't strictly a member of T11. She's with Chris and is into magic, but isn't actually a part of the original 11.


She is definately a key part of theory11, I said something like that to her and sh said she does a whole lot of of stuff, I believe behind the scenes stuff for them.
Sep 2, 2007
  1. If they added any more artist profiles, they'd have more than 11, which would kinda break up the whole "11" theme.
  2. Not everyone that works for T11 gets a profile on their site (I promise).
  3. Katie is indeed an attractive and talented woman, but the slowly fermenting fanboy following is making me want to wretch. If every other topic on this board were about me, I'd start to get a little creeped out.
Sep 1, 2007
Guys, leave the girl alone. From replies in other threads and this one, it almost looks as if you haven't seen a girl before. As Steve said, do yourselves a favour and go to a party or something. If you're not invited to any, then make one!



that girl who posts videos sometimes / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
Few things:

I'm not creeped out. I think its cool to have such awesome support in the magic community.

We are always looking for new artists. That's what this site is about, don't worry about breaking the "11" theme.

I should probably have a release before I have a profile. At least that what JB says, I hate to admit it, but I think he's onto something. (Where is Dana's release?)

Yes, I date Chris Kenner. Yes, I'm into magic. But I also do a lot for the site and the team involved. Don't write me off as just another MagHag. If it weren't for me, Witness would have been filmed under a bridge next to a disease infested landfill.

Keep your eyes open in the few following weeks!

Katie Egleston


wow this post has taken a life of it's own. I guess i was just confused a bit earlier. I thought she was like being officially coronated as a T11'er. I wanted to read her profile to see what her thoughts were. It was fun to read those responses though......heheh THIS IS SPARTA......imma use that one.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Few things:

I'm not creeped out. I think its cool to have such awesome support in the magic community.

We are always looking for new artists. That's what this site is about, don't worry about breaking the "11" theme.

I should probably have a release before I have a profile. At least that what JB says, I hate to admit it, but I think he's onto something. (Where is Dana's release?)

Dana has a profile because he's the camera man. He said he would go on strike if he didn't get a profile. :)

Yes, I date Chris Kenner. Yes, I'm into magic. But I also do a lot for the site and the team involved. Don't write me off as just another MagHag. If it weren't for me, Witness would have been filmed under a bridge next to a disease infested landfill.

Keep your eyes open in the few following weeks!

Katie Egleston

It's good to have you in this magic community.
What would we do without you?


Okay guys, I'm stumped. Who's this Katie Egleston you speak of?

She was on Iron Chef. The episode right after UFC where Jim Callahan and Criss Angel fought. After the Iron Chef, Criss and Jim had a rematch in chess but Criss Angel cheated cuz he hired someone to play chess for him.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I predict that Katie's possibly-to-be-released product will be a #1 best seller.
She has an unfair advantage: She happens to be into a hobby that is almost exclusivly male.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
You know what I wanna know?

Where's MY artist profile?

I mean, i'm great! I can make a gnarly bowl of cereal, I sleep WITHOUT a night light, and I can lick my own elbow!!!

That's right, compare your lives to mine and weep.


You're on a freaking Yugi-Oh card! That deserves an honorable mention or something!
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