New to the forum and semi-new to flourishing

Mar 24, 2012
Hey guys, just thought I would want to say hi to everyone and to the community here. I've always been into flourishing. Love watching videos and I practiced some before learning the basics but never really got into it past that. Now, I am more focusing my time on it then my magic. I am currently going through Genesis 1 again, having some trouble with a few moves but that just means I got to practice more. I hope to be able to talk to some of you and make some friends. I do have skype so I am always willing to session even though I am a beginner, I am just willing to learn.


theory11 artist
Sep 3, 2007
United States
Hey Kaneda, welcome to theory11 forums! Great to hear you're getting back into flourishing. If you ever need any tips - myself, Andrei Jikh, and many other flourishers are always around.

Mar 24, 2012
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I been spending alot of time practicing. I even do stuff while I am out. I spent a couple of hours at the library not to long ago doing nothing but had to be there. I spent most of the time just flourishing. I also do it while I am walking around Walmart sometimes. Doing basic stuff but the more I do it I know the better I will get.
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