Favorite Magic Trick?

Hey everyone! Just wanted to gather some community opinions on some really cool magic tricks. I know it's really hard to pick just one but I'll give it a shot.

My favorite magic trick that I have ever seen is Ladybug by Paul Harris. I think that effect is one of the best looking tricks around and so much can be done with it. As far as tricks that I own, I would say my favorite is Pyro by Adam Wilber because it allows me to use it as a tool to get creative with my own routines. I really effects that don't restrict to just a certain method but allow for creativity to sprout from it. So what about you other fellow performers/creators?

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Pyro is awesome, unless you're a wallet. in which case, it's the most murderous close-up effect in existence.

But my absolute favorite magic trick that I own is a trick from Tenyo Magic called 'Magician's Clock'. It's a packet trick that produces the current time.

It took me 9 months to hunt the dang thing down and it was absolutely worth it. There hasn't been anyone that has created a routine for it (much less a Youtube video of it being done), so I can't wait to throw it out there. Part of the problem with making a routine is the sequences; they inherently don't make sense to the audience. Easy! Make a routine about old time wind up watches and their parts and calibration! Now I just need to memorize the watch parts and the routine.

The whole thing is a great thinking piece for me and I can't wait to Use it on someone else that isn't my dog.
Pyro is awesome, unless you're a wallet. in which case, it's the most murderous close-up effect in existence.

But my absolute favorite magic trick that I own is a trick from Tenyo Magic called 'Magician's Clock'. It's a packet trick that produces the current time.

It took me 9 months to hunt the dang thing down and it was absolutely worth it. There hasn't been anyone that has created a routine for it (much less a Youtube video of it being done), so I can't wait to throw it out there. Part of the problem with making a routine is the sequences; they inherently don't make sense to the audience. Easy! Make a routine about old time wind up watches and their parts and calibration! Now I just need to memorize the watch parts and the routine.

The whole thing is a great thinking piece for me and I can't wait to Use it on someone else that isn't my dog.
That sounds really cool! I can see a big reaction from an audience during a stage show using that effect. I believe Collins Key once did something similar to that using Nick Cannon's watch. It was pretty cool.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
My favorites change A LOT. If I had to chose right now then I'd probably say something that is in my current show, it's really hard to share the stuff you like though because there's always the worry that someone else will steal a routine.

As of right now, my version of Mark Eldson's Infallible is one of my favorites because the method is CRAZY devious. It's the kind of thing that I kinda wish I could share with everyone. I have changed the handling and the routine as an ode to Dunninger, and it plays really well.

I also LOVE Hummer Jr. I hand out four cards to everyone watching they all chose a card and all find their card in a very magical way.

One effect that I love and wish to purchase and add to my act at some point is the Pavel Walking knot. This is probably my all time favorite version of the cut and restored rope.

One effect that I love but will probably never get to perform is Jim Steinmeyer's version of Walking Through a Brick Wall. This is the most convincing and practical version of the effect out there in my opinion.
Sep 2, 2015
I have two tricks that I usually deem as my 'favorites.'
The first is the Omni deck "deck vanish," where it changes in the spectators hands. The reason is pretty obvious: It's a reputation maker. I'm a firm believer that magic needs to give an experience to the spectator, and this is a routine that gives them the best experience possible. Not only does the magic happen in their hands, but they have a souvenir to keep at the end. (Their card, not the deck.) If they can pull out the card and say that they saw the rest of the deck change into glass IN THEIR HANDS, then you are guaranteed to get remembered by them.

The second is Bounce no Bounce Ball. The reason I love this simple trick so much is because I've devised a really fun routine for it. Instead of just making a fool out of the spectator, I explain that I am going to 'hypnotize' them to believe that the ball will not bounce. I then go through a process of putting the ball in a hypnotic state. (as an object to 'focus the hypnosis' on, or whatever B.S. you want. It doesn't matter, it gets a laugh.) I basically make a creepy face and repeat the word 'sleep' in a raspy tone, while wiggling my fingers at the ball. I then do the same with the spectator, and continue with the trick as you normally might. I then take the spectator 'out of his trance,' only to find that now I am unable to bounce the ball. I love this trick more for the fun of 'hypnotizing' the ball and the spectator, then for the effect. It's one of the goofiest things I do and is so much fun to perform. And if you're not having fun, what's the point of performing.
Apr 6, 2015
the invisible transit (found in jean hugard expert card techniques)
and the lost aces (also found in jean hugard expert card techniques)
one of the classic routine not hard to do and really reputation makers
Dec 5, 2014
My favorites change all the time. If forced to pick just a few I think right now I'd go with:

1. My version of David Regal's Everywhere. I absolutely love this effect when I actually have the time to perform it. (it can get lengthy)
2. Bill Malone's Think Touch Turn. While I absolutely love this effect, I feel like I need to work more on the patter for this one. Not quite sure how to make the presentation work for me.
3. NFW Quite possibly the most amazing packet trick I know...I'm killing with this one right now.
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