Practicing in the Hands.... without spectators

Jan 26, 2017
How should one go about practicing in the hands routines and tricks without spectators? I mean, I could obviously put the card on the table, but it's not really the same is it? Since I can't really learn how to hide something from a table, if that makes any since.

Also, what about practicing effects where you literally steal something out of the hands of the spectator without them noticing?

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I do this all the time....Just use the camera as your spectator. When you show your shameful videos online to the public it will force you to grow as a magician. Try it. Also if you are going to practice something like the classic force use a clothes-pin so that you can time yourself going into the "spectators" hands. Other than that I would get a copy of Outs,Precautions, and Challenges for the Ambitious Card Worker Charles Hopkins.
Jan 26, 2017
I do this all the time....Just use the camera as your spectator. When you show your shameful videos online to the public it will force you to grow as a magician. Try it. Also if you are going to practice something like the classic force use a clothes-pin so that you can time yourself going into the "spectators" hands. Other than that I would get a copy of Outs,Precautions, and Challenges for the Ambitious Card Worker Charles Hopkins.
But I was talking more so for stuff that happens in the spectators hands. Eg. Miracle Change, a move in Odyssey (if you have it), Top Change and hand out, etc.
Jan 26, 2017
Find someone that isn't using their hands and ask nicely to borrow them.
lol Yeah, that's what I've been doing but there are 2 complications.
A) Even if it's a friend or family member, I doubt I could do that for more than 5 minutes.
B) Wouldn't I end up revealing an effect like Odyssey, or any other effect really, after 5 minutes of constantly doing the same move in their hands?
Aug 15, 2017
You can use a table, as you said. And yes, there are some spectators who wanna spoil the suspense and just look at a card or something. A few ways to tackle this:-

1) Continue smoothly with your patter...sometimes we magicians do think too much and get all critical about "Will they examine this?" or "Will they want to check that?". But most of the time the audience does not do fact they become spoilsports very rarely. So relax.
2) Say you handed a different card from what THEY think you handed them. Always convince yourself that you have handed them the original card. If you believe in it, the spectator will too. You will have said a VERY convincing lie.
3) Maybe your style might not allow it, mine does. Sometimes when the trick is moving towards a dramatic moment, I tell them "Do not turn over the card, it will be sorta anti-dramatic" and they accept without being suspicious. Just ask for what you want.
4) Having a test subject always helps, so first practice it thoroughly with a table and go on to a test subject, so you don't really expose the method and even if the trick fails, remember, more often than not, it must have been your behaviour that made them check the card.
5) Sometimes I just bite the card between my teeth except handing it out. Won't work for all tricks, but looks cool.
Jul 28, 2015
People think it's a good idea to practice with family, friends and the sometimes girlfriend... It's not, maybe once in a blue moon... also I think it's a good idea to have at least one friend in you're "inner circle" without exposing to much, to give you honest feedback
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
You need to practice the technique on a surface that will mimic someones hands until you get it down perfectly. Then when you go out and perform it in actual peoples hands you will gather feedback and make the necessary adjustments. It should be about the same regardless if it is in someones hands or on the couch for example. Unless you are doing some whacked out complicated sleight.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
How about using your other hand? When I work with sleights that require me loading something into someone's hand, I practice it using my other hand. That is, my right hand practices putting two sponge balls into my left hand.
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