So this is happening on social media... thoughts??

Jan 26, 2017
That's actually weird. I never thought Jibrizy would be the one to fake reactions. Though you could probably tell from just watching the actual video he puts up, just cuz it's a snap change... and angles...

I'm willing to bet this wasn't for all of his performances, but man, that is going to hurt his rep.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I dunno. I've only watched a couple of his videos and the ones where he didn't flash just never impressed me. I know he did one where he "pick pocketed" a cop - clearly flashing the wallet he was "Stealing" from the cop as he walked over to the guy. And still posted it. Immediately lost all respect right there.

My guess is one of two things will happen. Either he'll feel the sting of shame and change how he does videos - or he won't.

If he changes his videos, he'll start doing the "one continuous shot" thing or something like that, and magicians will still assume he's stooging folks every time. If he doesn't change, they'll assume he's just continuing what he's already done.

And then the laymen won't know or care all that much either way. This will eventually fade away and people who stumble on to him won't ever look into his past to find out that he cheated.

But yeah, it's very likely that this video will be a low-grade annoyance for the rest of his 'career', but could easily do very little in the long run.
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah, I've only watched a few of his older videos, but I did enjoy them. I like his marketed effects though, they have really nice performances.
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Man. People gave him such shit and I'd be the first to defend the dude but not anymore. I work so hard to be as authentic as I can be while still entertaining and performing strong magic and people like this dude and Julius Dean just make my life difficult/piss me off. Truly no respect for the art. No respect from me either.
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Jan 26, 2017
The worst part about it is that he has all the skill, style, and flair to pull off those same reactions without stooges. I mean, he has some incredible stuff in his locker. Have you guys seen mini-match? It looks incredible.

And his presentation style is also amazing. His P & T appearance says it all.

Don't understand why he would go to such lengths. Actually I do. YouTube views.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I've seen him "rise" from obscurity to where he is now. I've never thought he was anything special. Cookie cutter "performances", videos that often included flashes, distinctly over hyped reactions.

There's no art to what he does, never has been.

I'm not even remotely surprised to find out he's been coaching folks to react more strongly. It's the kind of thing a performer like him would need to do to get the reactions in his videos.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
A few thoughts in response to that. The first being that's a pretty broad statement to make without proof. Derren Brown didn't use actors or stooges. Granted they did it that way because it's just too expensive to pay that many people and they wouldn't have kept quiet after the fact, but still - that's how they did it. Also, they can't just sit there and film over and over all day - there's a limited amount of time and money they have available to make these videos and they just go with the ones that look the best (though I will also point out that Brown included a fair amount of his misses as well).

Second thought - Stooges are an ancient and valid technique in magic, and many magicians have used them at some point in their career. But this isn't using a stooge. A stooge is someone who will make a particular selection for you, or who will tie a knot a special way, etc. It's someone who facilitates the method. What we're seeing in this video is someone coaching the entire audience to react in a specific way to something they can't even see, while exposing that method at the same time. This is not the same thing as Blaine choosing the best reaction out of 3 performances, because he's at least able to generate those reactions.

Last thought - Magic is based on deception, but this is outright lying to the people watching the video to make it seem like he's much more entertaining than he is. I think he's gotten a bit too big for his britches as they say, and can't think of how to keep up with the momentum. Now he's gone down a route that will put a stain on his career forever. Will it end his career? Doubtful. Laymen don't care and in a bit this will simmer down and no one who sees new videos will be any the wiser. Until it bubbles back up to the surface again every now and then.

Does he make it harder for the rest of us? Not really. It is the job of the artist to subvert expectations. If people expect things like what's in that video when they think of magic, I feel like that's not what you should give them. Surprise them. What was it Teller said? Make me think 2 + 2 = 5, and then astonish me with the revelation that it equals 4.


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
Two YouTube channels I subscribe to have posted the video. It is horrible. He also posted a couple videos to pay him $1000 and he will teach you to become a social media master... the videos don't show on his feed but they are still up and I have links to both. I really looked up to I also am a huge fan of Criss Angel.. so I'm not being a hypocrite when I say this.. he used stooges in his tv shows.. his stage performance in Vegas is second to none. Jibrizy has no stage show.. claims to be the the best magician in the world and claims to be a social media guru...
I feel like **** that I subscribed and promoted him.
This rant is done... the rest of you guys are awesome... much Love!
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Jan 26, 2017
I would like to point out that, whilst I do not support this type of thing in any way or form, he didn't bring too much harm. I mean, sure, I hate faked reactions too (some of the stuff that was clearly CGI on Criss Angel's Mindfreak TV Show kinda pissed me off because of how he got fake reactions) but Angel didn't do any major harm to magic as an art. If anything, he popularized it. Now this is a bit different because it is street magic. The entire purpose of David Blaine initially doing the street magic specials was to show the reactions of people and make magic popular again. This is just kinda meh.

Honestly, you guys remember when DB did the Snap Change in the OG Special? I think this was Jibrizy's attempt to recreate it, and it clearly back fired.
Jul 13, 2014
The sad thing is, you don't even need to fake it. You can coach them to do it within the context of the trick, even edit that part out. Now here, of course, opinions branch of everywhere. But to me, that would be a perfectly fine way of doing things.
Jan 26, 2017
Oh crap. I was watching the video back and just noticed it's not even a real card? Not even a snap change? He was going for CGI?

That pisses me off. There is no need for that stuff.


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
Wow is a retail effect.

What also gets me is that they are supposed to be reacting to what the camera sees even though they can't see it themselves from where they are standing (in that regard it's the same situation as if it was the snap change). He must think his viewers are not intelligent enough to notice...
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