Openers and Performing/Mnomenica

Aug 10, 2017
Hey guys I am just a little better than a beginner, and I will continue to be one if I don't perform for people. Besides friends and families, what is a good place to start performing? What would be a good opening card trick besides ambitious card?

Also, what is the Mnemonic/ Tamariz Stack? What is the order and how is it used


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
A good place to start performing is wherever people gather to hang out. Bars, colleges, walking malls, etc.

A good opener is anything that you're really good at, that's quick and catches attention, and that is interesting. That's going to be different for everyone. ACR can be good, but so can a quick color change.

Mnemonica is a specific order of cards for the deck. You can learn it in Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz. It is used in many ways that aren't really something I can sum up in a forum post. You can also learn the stack in Jamie D Grant's "Scenic 52".
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