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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Full Contact Mind Reading by Jerome Finley.
Pygmalion Effects (Reality as Art) by Aaron Alexander.
Affinity: The Third Way by Paul Voodini.
Feb 9, 2018
Thank you very much I mostly relied on bold book test for impromptu. I hope your reply would help me. Thank you very much.
Feb 9, 2018
I ve got a problem with a skeptic.let me give a brief sketch of him . ' he believes that antichrists can do telekinesis with their satanic power and he says some myths as examples but he is too much skeptic and a heckler too to me when I does an effect' . I hope you could point me to an effect(impromptu) or give me some tips to get this skeptic to enjoy each trick instead of being critical. Please help


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Wait - he's a "skeptic" that also believes in the Anti-Christ.

You can't be both of those things. That's not how it works.

Honestly, I wouldn't bother with trying to convince him. It's not worth it.
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Feb 9, 2018
He is not an anti christ he is a christian he just beleives in satanic powers possesed by anti christ. I tried to convince him that it is not true. I dont know whether he changed his mind but he is now a heckler while I perform for friends


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
You can't be both a Christian and a Skeptic. I'm not sure if this is a language thing or what, but those two things are contradictory.

Anyway - I wouldn't bother doing anything. In truth, I would avoid performing around him at all, and make a point of it. "I'd love to show you folks some cool stuff, but this individual prefers to disrupt any performance I do."

You are going into this with a challenge state of mind - the heckler always wins in that case. The absolute best you can get, in this scenario, is "Huh. I'm not sure how you did that." You still lose in that situation. Better to avoid it all together and preserve the mystery.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Methods are irrelevant in stopping hecklers. Presentation is the key. Do presentations that are fun and amusing - disarm the heckler rather than challenge them.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
The best way to create an emotional response to a word reveal is to create a presentation that resonates with the audience so they are emotionally invested in the outcome of the routine. There's really no formula or step-by-step instructions for that.
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