Saturday Night Contest - Cards In Motion


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great weekend! It's been a while since we've hosted a good image contest, so we felt tonight would be the perfect opportunity to allow you to show off your photography skills. All that will be required of you is a deck of cards, a camera phone (or webcam or digital camera of any sort), and your the ability to take a solid picture with said items.

The goal tonight is to photograph the most engaging image of playing cards in motion. This could be in the form of a card spring, dribble, aerial cut, card toss, or other move - but at least one card or more must be captured with movement within the image. The only edits you can make to your image is color correction/filters. No Photoshop or similar image editors are allowed.

Snap your photo and post it to Instagram with the hashtag #theory11. Then, post the link to your image in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, August 12th. Once time is up, our panel of judges will go through all submissions and decide on a winner based on which image is the most engaging and memorable.

What can you take home? 1,000 Elite Member Points and 6 decks of playing cards (your choice) that we have in stock. We look forward to seeing your shots; good luck!
{[{ searchResultsCount }]} Results