Saturday Night Contest - Halloween!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys! Hope you all are having a great weekend! It's almost time for Halloween, but it isn't all about tricks or treats. This time of year is perfect for feeling creeped out, scared, or spooked, and even better when you can make someone else feel it. This week's challenge is all about feeling the creeps.

Last week was a photo challenge. Your challenge for this week is to make a video that is spooky, eerie, chilling, or even scary. Your video has to include either a magic effect OR Cardistry! For example, create and/or perform an effect with a creepy presentation, or film a Cardistry video that has a spooky feel. Magic and Cardistry are fair game this week, as long as it can creep us out, scare us, etc.

Film your videos and upload them to either YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram. Then, post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, October 27th! All videos have to be filmed and uploaded from the time this contest is posted until it ends at 11:00pm tomorrow. No previous videos you have made are eligible!

What can this week's winners receive? That's right, we said winners! We are going to be selecting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize winners for this week's contest. Here are the prize tiers:

1st: 1,000 Elite Member Points, SMOKE 2.0 by Alan Rorrison, Double Cross by Mark Southworth, and a deck of Black NOCs.

2nd: 500 Elite Member Points and a deck of Black NOCs

3rd: 250 Elite Member Points and ANY download by Spidey

We cant wait to see what everyone comes up with, and we hope you all have fun entering this week. A lot is up for grabs, so just go for it!
Oct 13, 2019
Hey guys I didn't have that much time to do it but I did my best because it have been very buesy for me, but yeah this is my entry:
Good luck everyone
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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for results! We have come to a decision on this week's prizes, but it was not easy! You guys brought some creepy tricks to the table this year, so it's time for us to supply the treats!

1st Place: RKMagic

2nd Place: Seth Hughes

3rd Place: Gabriel Z.

We had a ton of fun going through each submission and seeing the different interpretations of Halloween. It's always a fun time when the Halloween contests roll around. To all the winners, please contact our support team with your details so we can get your prizes out to you ASAP!


Elite Member
May 14, 2011
Atlanta, GA
Alright guys, time for results! We have come to a decision on this week's prizes, but it was not easy! You guys brought some creepy tricks to the table this year, so it's time for us to supply the treats!

1st Place: RKMagic

2nd Place: Seth Hughes

3rd Place: Gabriel Z.

We had a ton of fun going through each submission and seeing the different interpretations of Halloween. It's always a fun time when the Halloween contests roll around. To all the winners, please contact our support team with your details so we can get your prizes out to you ASAP!
Thanks so much Casey!! Congrats to Seth & Gabriel as well!
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