How to create an act/show?

Dec 5, 2015
Hi everyone,

I've been wanting to ask my college if I could potentially do a close-up show next semester but I've never planned a whole show/act before. I have always done impromptu close up shows, basically thinking on the fly on what to perform but I have never done a planned out performance before. Could anyone give me advice on how to construct an show/act and what steps I need to take to make this idea come to life?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
A while ago I actually wrote a thread about doing just this. Can't find it now, though, sadly.

In short:

Think of a theme you want to use. What do you want the audience to experience throughout the show?

List everything you can do that even vaguely fits that theme or creates that experience, and make sure you note how long each piece is.

Looking at the amount of time you need to fill with the show, look at the most powerful material you have listed, and arrange it in some kind of logical/dramatic order.

What I mean by that - you want an introduction, build, climax, finish.

The introduction should give them an idea about you and what to expect with the show. Think of it as an overture. Most times you'll hear people say this should be something fast, flashy, and visual. I disagree - it can be those things, or not, as the show would require. Most times I open my shows with a spoken piece that lasts about 2.5 minutes and has no tricks at all.

The build is the middle part. You'll want texture here. Not the same emotion/plot over and over. Meaning one part is funny, one part is thoughtful, maybe one part is scary, etc.

The climax is the most powerful part of the show. The experience you want them to have, more or less.

The finish just kind of wraps it all up. This can be combined with the climax but I tend to like to have one thing after the climax that has just me on stage and sums everything up and gives everyone a good feeling when they leave.
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