Saturday Night Contest - Faking Alias!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC

Hope you enjoy! I had quite a bit of fun making this. It's really silly
Congrats! We have chosen your submission as the winner for this week's contest! Overall we felt that this method was not only super out there...but actually somewhat believable and who knows....maybe one day the world's smallest printer will be developed for a peek wallet! Super smart thinking, and great execution!

We'd also like to give some big honorable mentions to the following submissions that made this one incredibly close to call: RobertD11414, Justin Morris, Aristotilean, and definitelyahuman! Tons of great work from you guys this week, and a big welcome to some new faces that have entered for the first time! Welcome to the forums and we hope to see you in many future contests ahead!

As always, it's been a pleasure getting to see all the crazy unique ideas that you guys have for us every week. We hope it's a fun creative exercise and chance to win some free magic and goodies in the process! It's one of the highlights of my week for sure.

See you all on Saturday for a new contest!
{[{ searchResultsCount }]} Results