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  1. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Holiday Wheel!

    50 Elite Points! Good luck to everyone!
  2. J

    Charity Bundle

    So with a lot of my Elite Points just sitting in the vault, I was thinking of spending them on (or just out right buying) decks that had their proceeds go to the various charities (Animal Kingdom, Mystery Box series, Mailchimp series, Charity). Maybe it is a bit late for Thanksgiving, but would...
  3. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Quotes of Inspiration Good luck to all entrants! I left a lot up to the imagination to be interpreted.
  4. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Take Two Challenge

    7 of Clubs, 8 of Hearts 8 of Diamonds, 8 of Spades
  5. J

    Saturday Night Contest - NBA Championship

    Cleveland Cavaliers 86 - 79
  6. J

    Saturday Night Roundtable - James Dickson

    1. If a robot and a human performed Aberdeen Thread, which would provide a better performance and why? 2. Why do you enjoy making effects, and do you typically have a type of reaction you aim to get from the crowd (when performing in front of a crowd) 3. What is your fondest memory of performing...
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    Saturday Night Contest - 50k!
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    Saturday Night Contest - 50k!
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    Saturday Night Contest - Ace of Spades Good luck everyone!
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    Saturday Night Contest - Luck of the Irish

    Heads Heads Tails Heads Tails Heads Tails Tails Tails Heads Heads
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    Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl 50

    Winner Denver Broncos Score: 32-24 Winner: Carolina Panthers Score: 21 - 20
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    Saturday Night Contest - The Year Ahead

    One of my happiest memories of this year for me was simply able to do a color change for one of my co-workers kids. Magic for me is a hobby I just started and while I'm terrible at it, getting the kid's eyes bulge with excitement and a huge "WOW" was honestly like seeing pigs fly - unbelievably...
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    Saturday Night Contest - Court Cards
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    Saturday Night Contest - Monarchy
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    Saturday Night Contest - Your Rarest Deck
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    Saturday Night Contest - JAQK Prediction

    Queen of Hearts 10 of Spades
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    Saturday Night Contest - Inside the Box

    2492 please!
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    Saturday Night Contest - Eight Years! Lucky number 8 - good luck everyone! P.S. @LukeFlourishes if your instagram is private, they will not be able to view it
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    Saturday Night Contest - Black and White

    My two entries:
  20. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Cards in Hands

    LEFT: Ace of Hearts RIGHT: 8 of Diamonds LEFT: 9 of Spades RIGHT: Ace of Diamonds
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