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  1. Z

    Which one??

    I dont know which to buy but i love both of them.Please help me!Leave some comments and your opinion!Mailchimps or chairity water?
  2. Z

    best deck for cardistry?

    I have been doing some research on some really cool decks specially designed for cardistry, but I still didnt find the best deck for cardistry.Just give me some ideas please and what is in your opinion the best deck for cardistry?
  3. Z


    One more question.Can the spectator break the coin if he/she tried to?
  4. Z


    This is a great effect but why does it say that there are no switches or gimmicks in the trick although it comes with a box of 25 coins specially designed for this effect.One more thing.Can the spectator break the coin easy or is there any special method you need to use in order to break it?
  5. Z

    Saturday Night Contest - Blake Fact or Fiction

    1.True 2.True 3.True 4.False 5.False 6.True 7.False 8.False 9.False 10.True 11.False
{[{ searchResultsCount }]} Results