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  1. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Inside The Magic Box

    Born to be clown. Magic became my escape from the real world. So that i could become a full time clown. I was born to be a clown.
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    Motivating the Top Change

    A good Top Change is only about misdirection. If you don't have misdirection, the Top change is not a good move, cause if it was people would use that instead of the double lift. A convincing Top change with good misdirection that has perfect timing is probably the best move in card magic! Carl
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    Saturday Night Contest - The Coin Toss

    Snc Heads Tails Tails Tails Heads
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    Saturday Night Contest - Animal Kingdom Lotto

    Carl Stanley reply Ace of spades-Two of spades-Three of spades Five of diamonds-Six of hearts-Jack of clubs Nine of hearts-Six of hearts-Three of spades
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    Saturday Night Roundtable - Ask Andrei Anything

    What is the best T11 deck and why? Why should we publish our material at T11 and not somewhere else? What does T11 have that other community companies have? //Carl
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    Saturday Night Contest - Rearranging The Code

    13000872 00012378 87321000
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    difficult sleights

    The difficulty of a sleight depends on how good you want it to be, cause everything can always be better. Perfection doesn't exist, that's why the question is impossible to answer!
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    Ace Assembly (dedicated to Dominique)

    GREAT! Well done, the reveal of the aces at the end should though have been cleaner in my opinion :) Nice work!
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    Saturday Night Contest - A Shuffled Chaos

    Winner 9 of diamonds on top, 2 of hearts on bottom
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    How about this?

    Hey guys, just wondered what you think about this vid :) //Carl Stanley
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    iPhone App T11?

    I meant one for their website :)
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    iPhone App T11?

    Hey Wondered why T11 doesn't have a Iphone app? I would find it very useful :) //Carl Stanley
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    Saturday Night Contest - Match 'Em Up!

    1.Blake Vogt 2.B Smith 3.Chris Mayhew 4.Dan White 5.Eric Ross 6.Chris Kenner 7.Calen Morelli 8.Alex Geiser 9.Andrei Jikh
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    what is your favourite 5 magicians in the world

    The thread says "in the world" vu many others has written magicians that today are dead, so I'm gonna do that too. Favourite Performers, no order Johan Ståhl Lennart Green Michael Ammar An ha Lim Shawn Farquhar Creators, no order Lennart Green Ed Marlo Dai Vernon Ernest Earrick Tom Stone...
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    Like my erdnase?

    Hi guys! Please tell me what you think about my Erdnase Color Change :) //Carl Stanley
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    Which cards do you use?

    Okey i'm sorry if i sounded angry xD And sure i would probably lose against Andrei, but i had a bad morning ;) Anyway, it wasn't meant to you guys, i'm just so bored by all these small kids that think cardistry is magic and all that kind of stuff. Sometimes people don't know that they have an...
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    Which cards do you use?

    Actually i don't think they do, Magic IS a better way to entertain. In my opinion Cardistry has nothing with magic to do, sure we use the spring, pressure fan and a few cool stuff, but they're for something. But what do you want it to look like when you do card magic, if u do that, Magical or...
  18. C

    Magic or cardistry?

    Hi guys, I just wondered what you think is the best and most impressive and what you most like to watch. A really well performed card effect, without any flourshy stuff, just elegant and smooth. Or an effect where flourshing and card magic is combined? :D Also tell me why ;) //Carl Stanley
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