Search results

  1. B

    Magic is my passion

    That is very cool man! I never came up with anything till I was 100. Keep it up, hope to hear from you in the future.
  2. B

    WHat is the best deck for sleight of hand and magic?

    Only guess x Fontaine, rip n dip x Fontaine or some other very expensive deck:)
  3. B

    Archive Update

    You should just put a new rare deck in like some for the poor people that have 3,000 points.
  4. B

    Card Control by Arthur Buckley

    I dont care
  5. B

    Card Control by Arthur Buckley

    Look through the book find a slight that you like or a trick you like and start there. Card control does not have a specific starting point. P.S. dont read from front to back it will be very boring. Just pick a page and learn whats on that.
  6. B

    Archive Update

    In the past few week there was 3 decks that sold out in the archive. So I'm asking when will they update it and add some decks back.
  7. B

    Whats the name of this move?

    Whats the name of the move at 1:30 of this video
  8. B

    Theory 11 or Ellusionist?

    Theory11- quality products, they have great customer support, contests, great community Ellusionist- we want the money, cheap quality, some decks are good
  9. B

    Will Jason england do it?

    Would you like to see jason england put out a book. Do you think he will or won't. What do you thing his book would have in it. I know i would love a book by jason.
  10. B

    M-Case - difficult to "activate"!!!

    Try droping it higher up from the table. It wont work if you drop it from a lower point.
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