Search results

  1. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Lotto!

    Card 1: 9 of spades Card 2: 2 of clubs Card 1: 6 of clubs Card 2: 8 of spades
  2. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Court Cards
  3. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    1. Zach Mueller 2. Michael James 3. Arnel Renegado
  4. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Rarebit Card Lottery

    1. 10 of clubs 2. 2 of diamonds 1. 5 of spades 2. Jack of hearts
  5. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Name This Flourish!

    Clockworks by Andrei Jikh
  6. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - The Coin Toss

    Tails Heads Heads Tails Heads
  7. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Election 2012 Prediction

    Obama: 301 Romney: 237 Obama: 247 Romney:291
  8. magicster

    Saturday Night Roundtable - Steve Cohen Decoded

    What is your planning process for creating magic tricks? Did you ever encounter audience that were not impressed by your performance? How did performing magic affect people close to you?
  9. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Playing with Players

    Card one: Four of clubs Card two: seven of hearts Card one: ten of spades Card two: three of diamonds
  10. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Twist of Fate

    King clubs, spades, diamonds, hearts
  11. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Fact or Fiction (Dimitri)

    1.True 2.False 3.False 4.True 5.False 6.True 7.True 8.False 9.True 10.False 11.False
  12. magicster

    Saturday Night Contest - Red, White, and Blue!

    Red: 9 of hearts White:5 of clubs Blue: Jack of spades Red : Ace of clubs White: 4 of hearts Blue: 3 of clubs
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