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  1. L

    Hey just want some advice about my 1st vid.

    Here is my first video maybe you guys can tell me what you think about it!!!be kind...;-p....thanxx i hope u enjoy...and tell me what i have to work on!in Greece there are very few i have very big problems with magic shops,partners,stuff so anyway...
  2. L

    Keep notes...

    One of my friends said to me once''carry a notebook with you''so I started to write my tricks in it,so i could remember some of the moves and some useful tips and hints like ''don't shake'' ''do it smoothly''...and all that funny stuff but after i used it i realized that my presentation was...
  3. L

    Theory11 Music - Where can I find it?

    I don't know if there is any cd on the market...but the music is so awsome so i think it should be a good idea to make one...:p anyway where can i find the music???thanks
  4. L

    Show Off 3 Brian Tudor?

    i purchased show off 3 with brian tudor...he is a great cardishian but...he is getting mad over the years..hehe no acctualy the teaching is SO advice is to not buy the dvd...madison and dan and dave forever;-p
  5. L

    Dark videos or bad quality may be the reason you lose...

    i have watched a lot of videos and i find out that the winners had a better quallity on their makes sense,but try to make better videos or...acctualy what do you think about it!
  6. L

    Centurions vs. Guardians

    vote for the best deck..........
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