About shipping prices.

Jan 13, 2013
Hi everyone!

I have to say I really like theory11 products but the shipping prices are very discouraging for me. I live in Turkey and the lowest shipping price I get is around 18-20$ which is way too much when compared to the product prices.

For example I have to pay 20$ shipping price for Nyman's "Code", which is funny because the trick itself is 25$.

It's just that I don't want to pay more than the product's price. A fair shipping price would be around 10$. And it was around 10-12$ a few months ago which was fine for me.

Hopefully the shipping prices will get some tweaking and I'll be able to buy more products.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Shipping prices have gone up across the board. Theory11, by my calculations, is losing money on shipping.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Shipping prices have gone up across the board. Theory11, by my calculations, is losing money on shipping.

ChristopherT is pretty much correct. Our goal is not to profit on shipping - it's a cost to us, as it is to you. Our shipping rates are based on what it costs US to ship the package to you (not more and not less - that's the goal). For example, check out this screenshot of USPS.com - showing actual shipping costs on a box containing The Code to Turkey. Notice that the cheapest shipping option is pretty much exactly what our site showed you - around $20 with First Class Mail International. It might be a little bit more than that, when you factor in the weight of packaging and the shipping box itself.

Of course, as you mentioned, we'd LOVE for shipping to be only $10 to you - but we'd be losing $10 on that, and the only way to resolve that would be increasing the price of the product itself by $10. Many companies do that - making the products more expensive, and offering "free" shipping (that isn't actually free) as a result. We don't. Many companies charge $8 or even $12 per deck - with "free" shipping - we don't. We'd much rather charge a reasonable, fair price for our products, and a competitive, reasonable, accurate rate for shipping. I find that approach much more honest and transparent.
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