Amazon sells black and white monarchs?

Jan 6, 2019
I recently was given some original blue monarchs bought from Amazon. When I opened the packaging, I saw standard monarchs. I soon realized that the tuck case was black with gold foil instead of navy blue. Next, I checked all of the cards under a bright flashlight to be sure,and sure enough the cards had a black and white design on the back. So I called the person who gifted me the cards thinking that they bought them from an unknown seller. Nope! The seller was Theory11. So I contacted Amazon and they're sending me a replacement deck that is suppose to be navy blue. (I get to keep the cards,too.) What do you guys think were these cards a miss print or what?
IMG_20190106_183721.jpg IMG_20190106_183634.jpg IMG_20190106_183701.jpg


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Adro,

I'm confused by the above but the cards and box look correct to me.

the cards look like a dark navy as mine do. the tuck case in the image also appears to be navy blue not black.

Jan 6, 2019
Hey Adro,

I'm confused by the above but the cards and box look correct to me.

the cards look like a dark navy as mine do. the tuck case in the image also appears to be navy blue not black.

The images I took aren't in the best lighting so it may appear as such,but the cards and tuck box are black.


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Crazy, these both look standard to me.

I guess this would be hard to confirm or deny without seeing in person but they appear to be standard from the images.



Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
I recently was given some original blue monarchs bought from Amazon. When I opened the packaging, I saw standard monarchs. I soon realized that the tuck case was black with gold foil instead of navy blue. Next, I checked all of the cards under a bright flashlight to be sure,and sure enough the cards had a black and white design on the back. So I called the person who gifted me the cards thinking that they bought them from an unknown seller. Nope! The seller was Theory11. So I contacted Amazon and they're sending me a replacement deck that is suppose to be navy blue. (I get to keep the cards,too.) What do you guys think were these cards a miss print or what?
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Those are a very dark navy, not black. I can tell from the images that they are not black, but are the correct navy color.

The only black Monarchs that exist are the NYSM2 Monarchs. Side by side to the deck you have there, your deck will look very blue.

The odds of a misprint where you got black paper on the tuck instead of blue? Extremely small. The odds of USPC switching to black ink on the cards in the middle of a print run where they are using navy ink? Nearly zero. The odds of you having a deck that has a misprinted black tuck case AND misprinted black cards? Bordering on impossible.

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