An Amateur Cardist Calling For Help. (Info in Desc).

May 1, 2017
Hello all, I am writing this because I need 3-4 cards.
I want them to have custom Royals, Maybe custom Aces, a nice unique design, blank cards, double back cards, and other gaff.
I also want them to be very visual. It doesn't have to be 4 cards, if maybe 1 had it all.
This is for my birthday so, no holding back.
Quick answer appreciatted, 2 weeks left!
Jan 14, 2017
This is a bit presumptuous. You join a group like this TODAY and ask for something immediately; as a complete stranger to the group.
Forums like this are based on the idea of 'community'. A place where people share - usually with a common interest - and establish 'relationships'. This is not a free shopping network.

Your plea may be a bit better received if you INTRODUCED yourself - with a little humility. Do you have plans to perform some cardistry with these cards (at your birthday party)? How old are you becoming?

For example;
Hi. I am <Name here> and about to turn <age here>. I have been interested in Card flourishes for X years and for my upcoming birthday I would like to <fill in the details>. I live in <where ever> and it is difficult to find decks of cards with unusual back designs.
If someone would be kind and help me make my birthday celebration special I would greatly appreciate a donation of a just a couple of cards..."
May 1, 2017
I am sorry, I was looking for cards decks, and I found this community, I thought it would be good to ask a bunch of experts multiplied by a group. I needed recommendations, not actual donations because I have no idea what I am looking for.
My name is Abid, I am interested in card magic because I like the complexity, yet the minimalistic ideas within. I am having a birthday soon and I want to impress my friends. Since I live in Denmark, the card community is not very heavy.
Recommendations would be highly appreciated
May 1, 2017
This is a bit presumptuous. You join a group like this TODAY and ask for something immediately; as a complete stranger to the group.
Forums like this are based on the idea of 'community'. A place where people share - usually with a common interest - and establish 'relationships'. This is not a free shopping network.

Your plea may be a bit better received if you INTRODUCED yourself - with a little humility. Do you have plans to perform some cardistry with these cards (at your birthday party)? How old are you becoming?

For example;
Hi. I am <Name here> and about to turn <age here>. I have been interested in Card flourishes for X years and for my upcoming birthday I would like to <fill in the details>. I live in <where ever> and it is difficult to find decks of cards with unusual back designs.
If someone would be kind and help me make my birthday celebration special I would greatly appreciate a donation of a just a couple of cards..."

When I re-read it I find it looks like donations, thank you for pointing that out.
Jan 14, 2017
When I re-read it I find it looks like donations, thank you for pointing that out.
I am very pleased to see you provided a bit more clarification.
And forgive me if my response seemed a bit brusk. I am a moderator on [another] forum and have a bit of a 'sensitivity' to the type of nonsense and spam that is common on these sorts of boards.

I wish you a happy birthday.
Mar 2, 2016
United States
Hmm, thanks. I have decided I am going to get a bicycle rider back gaff deck as well as a bicycle rider back deck.
Any thoughts?

It depends on what you're looking for. Are you looking for a basic deck? Not sure what the playing card market is like in Denmark. Here in the United States, Rider Backs are considered basic decks, and they can be picked up for pretty cheap. I got a brick for $20 (Which is about 136 Krone) on Amazon but there are cheaper places to get them from, like Costco (where you would need their store membership to shop with them.)

If you are looking for luxury decks, stick to Theory11, Ellusionist, or any deck produced by the US Playing Card Company (which is based in Erlanger, Kentucky). Another option is the Expert Playing Card Company based in New York City.

Some deck examples, if I were you, would be to look at the Theory11 "Monarchs", the Ellusionist/Daniel Madison decks (such as the "Madison Dealers" which are marked, if you are interested in those magic type decks) or the Conjuring Arts "Superior" deck.

If you'd like some more advice on decks just let me or one of the other members here know. Good luck!
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May 1, 2017
I want a deck for performing, I decided to get a Standard/Gaff as the pips on it are easily recognizable, and it allows for cool effects. as for flourishing, I am thinking of something like Shadowmasters or Stargazers/light.
Oct 8, 2016
Hey man,
Here are some of my recommendations:
1) Mint Playing Cards by 52kards. Look great, have a great stock, and also include a marking system.
2) Monarchs by Theory11. Incredible design, great stock, and if you get the red or green ones, they include a double backer.
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