An Ha Lim - best card manipulator?

May 5, 2012
I think that most of you already know An Ha Lim; if you don't know him, here is the link to his performance:
What do you think about this kind of card manipultaion? I know that many people say that he performs way too fast so that the spectator cannot really follow, but I think that the speed is just fine and that this is what makes his performance so special. I'm really impressed by how he has perfect control over all the cards in this speed and I adore his strong technique.
So, what do you think about this kind of card manipulation? Is he too fast or is he maybe the best card manipulator in the world?
Oct 8, 2011
I have seen his performance and I think that despite what anyone else will say, He definitely has his own unique approach to performing, and I like it alot.

The thing that I liked most about the performance was his choice of music. it really fit his speed and style of manipulation.

I think that the speed worked well and made everything way more epic.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
He is great! Really world class :) The only thing that I have trouble with is his back palms at the beginning. Why would you learn a perfect back palm if it is just going to look like you are thumbing off the cards. The whole idea would be to show your hand empty at some point right? His precision was amazing, clear down to the color of the card, really great :)
May 5, 2012
Which back palms at the beginning do you mean? I couldn't see any back palms that looked like thumb palms. Apart from that, I absolutely agree with you that the speed works well for his performance (especially considering the music) and that he has a nice card control ;) Another very important, but underrated point is in my opinion his very strong stage presence. His gesture and facial expressions complete his performance to a real world class act! :)

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
They begin at 0:40. It doesn't look like a "thumb palm" it looks like he is just pushing cards off with his thumb. It goes a bit too fast here. I wish he would show his palm empty for a second or two before he goes into rapid fire.
May 5, 2012
Ok yes I see what you mean and I agree. The idea is to show the hand empty and then make cards appear from nowhere. You're right when you say that he does this too fast, so that the spectator can't see his empty hand, but I don't think that it makes a big difference, because I think that he just wants to pull off as many cards as possible in an insane speed. What is most impressing for the spectator in this moment is how he can pull off so fast so many cards and that's why I think that it doesn't really matter whether he shows his empty hand or not.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Yeah, it works because it's his style. I like the slower performance for different reasons. I checked out some of your youtube stuff I can clearly see his influence on you. You are very good :)
May 5, 2012
Thank you very much :) Yes you're right, An Ha Lim really inspired me to start performing card manipulations. He is by far my most favourite card manipulator, perhaps because I have the strong will to become a professional magician some day, since I saw his performance ;)
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