Buckle Count



Hi guys,

I'm currently trying to learn the buckle count as taught in Card College Vol 1.

I have no issues with buckling one card but where I run into problems is trying to buckle multiple cards. Giobbi mentions that it is just a case of applying more upward pressure with your index finger but still haven't had any success with it. Instead, I find that I get a higher success rate if I use the tip of my index finger to apply pressure like this fellow does at 1:01-1:05 in the video below. Unfortunately, this makes the buckle visible from the front, which Giobbi advises against doing.

I would appreciate any tips on trying to address my problem.
Mar 23, 2022
Hi, I’m writing from the distant future wondering if you ever solved this problem? I also find the Card College instruction to be problematic in the same way and can find very little help. Seems crazy to have so much trouble with what seems to be very easy for most people.
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