Classic and Modern Mentalism.

Sep 26, 2007
Mentalism is pretty powerful. Sometimes classics like Book Tests and ESP cards are enough to mesmerize the crowd. Today's world we are seeing such great ideas flowing with technology for Modern Mentalism.

I just saw this and it looks like a little bit of both.

Looking for anyone's thoughts and/or experiences with Classic and Modern mentalism.

What are the most impactful to date?
Which ones stand the test of time?



Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I would say those effects are application of basic principles using new props. The Tic Tac effect seems to have too many coincidences to be presented as mentalism but rather looks a lot like a magic trick. Give me a small pad of paper, a pencil and a lighter and I can get better reactions. Throw in an ESP Deck some Nick Trost effects and I can convince people that I’m psychic. I think it is better to learn the basics and build your effects.
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Apr 18, 2010
Basic principles? No one had EVER created a jumping object inside a tic tac case before me. I applied MY effect and method to already existing ideas using ESP cards. So no you are wrong. Also, how can you say you would get BETTER reactions as the trailer only had a unedited performance to the camera? (keyboard warrior engineers) So there is no way that you can compare what YOU would get and what I get. And no it is not, nor does it come off as a magic trick. I guess my co-creator on it Marc Salem is not familiar with "basics"...:(


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey

Let me start by saying that I have nothing personal against you, Nick or Marc Salem. I like a lot of your work -- the Stranger Card effect from Army of 52 is one of my go to effects and I love Factory Sealed.

My reference to basic principles relates to what you recognized are existing ideas applied to ESP cards. The various uses of ESP cards and crumpled billets are not in any way new. The jumping object inside a tic tac case was the "new prop" I was referring to. So I will stand by my statement that this effect uses basic concepts with new props.

My statement regarding getting better reactions was a reflection of my style of performing and my thoughts about how I think the effect would play compared to effects that I currently perform. You are correct that I can't judge the reactions that YOU get from the video because there are no spectators in the video.

As for it coming off as a magic trick, let me ask you this... what mental ability does this effect showcase? The ability to predict what the spectator will choose? The ability to control what the spectator chooses? It absence of the jumping billet when the card is dealt, either of those would be valid mentalism effects. However, when you add the jumping billet it becomes a demonstration of multiple coincidences (which is a magic theme) or, worse, a demonstration of multiple unrelated abilities (which, in my opinion, weakens the power of a true mentalism routine). My definition of mentalism is the demonstration of a psychic ability. My definition of mental magic is a magic trick with a presentation related to psychic phenomena. This is mental magic.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Personally, I don't think the principles of mentalism really change. "Modern" mentalism is just classic mentalism with props and scripts that suit current audiences.

As David said, I'm not sure what mental ability this is demonstrating with the paper bouncing.
Sep 26, 2007
Thanks for the input, kind words, view points, and clarity. Mentalism is one area of the arts that I do love but have performed the least. I've concentrated so much on the "magic" aspect in the past and was looking to expand my horizons a little and get back into mentalism. I mean with so much innovation and ingenuity out there, it's hard not to. I have mainly stuck to the basics and do have a great respect for the classics. There are soooo many avenues to explore and discover. It is this exploration mode where my mind feels the healthiest. Wow! Sooo may directions and paths to go. And, so much room for us all. It is great to be here with those who love the art so much to discuss magic, mentalism, & mental magic and learn from each other while we exercise our own individual uniqueness. Cheers!!!!!!
Apr 18, 2010
WOW! So the connection of them focusing on the shape or word or etc... and when the paper bounces (which is from my project with salem,wilson,weber and long called REATIC) as a mental connection does not equate to mental concentration?? Come on! It is the physical response to a mental moment, that is not mental magic. Respectfully you BOTH are wrong. But I am not here to change your mind. Thank you for your time and mildly thoughtful responses.
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