Coin magic and dry hands

Dec 12, 2018
Hello everyone!

I've slowly developed a problem over the years with very dry hands, this has effect card magic but I've work arounds and hand cream helps but with coin magic it seems impossible now.

Cream doesn't work as my hands become too slippery without hands are too dry.

I know David Roth spoke about this and about applying something to the coins to make them grippy.

Any help would be amazing.

Thanking you all!



Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
I’ve used “Octopalm” with decent success, on my hands though not directly applied to coins. I’m sure you could apply it to coins though, it’s rosin. I’ve heard some folks recommend violin rosin as an alternative but I doubt it’s any cheaper than octopalm.
Jun 13, 2013
I also have very dry hands, always have. I do not use creams and such to counteract the problem I have sort of just gotten used to it. When it comes to coin palming I have found that larger coins work better and having the coins edges redone (this can by done by some one like Roy Kueppers ) that helps a lot as well. In my practice though I have just learned to adapt to my hands, some effects I cannot do however I do perform Tommy Wonder's coins across routine which I have found difficult with dry hands but having practiced it so much it has become easier.
I also used to walk around with a coin palmed in my hand and do my usually life things that way. Tie my shoes, write, eat, brush my teeth.
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