
Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm no expert on spongeballs, but that looked nice and clean. I know where everything is going from experience, but you still fooled my eyes into following the way you wanted them to.

Regarding the rest of the performance: I don't really know what style you go for, but your exaggerated hand movements and the black and white film job felt reminiscent of old time, no voice films. It wouldn't have felt out of place to have a film grain effect over this video.

My only concern here is that there is just a half beat of hesitation during the steal. Keep working on that. Ideally the rhythm of the steal would perfectly match the same action without a steal. You will see what I am talking about right at 0:21. No flashes or anything, but the movement takes just a heartbeat longer than it should. and it breaks the otherwise perfectly natural feel. It is just enough that a keen-eyed observer might think back to that moment and question what happened.

Nice work!

// L
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Apr 18, 2016
Thank you for your educated insights, I see exactly what you mean at 21. I will continue working on it.



Elite Member
Oct 6, 2009
Hamburg, Germany
Hi Mr. Book, I really like the style of the video!
But since you´ve asked heres two thoughts:
1) Was the french drop a conscious choice? There´s more natural false transfers than this (if you need inspiration look up Gabi Parerras Chop Cup performance on youtube. that is probably the epitome of naturalness/casualness/economy). I just think that the way the hand (supposedly) closes around the ball looks a bit awkward. You could also experiment with just pretending to pick up the ball behind the fingers and close the fingers after the hands separated.
2) When you bump your fists together as a magic gesture some people might actually assume that your just throwing one ball into the other hand. Maybe a smaller gesture á la touching the thumbs would eliminate that train of thought.

With these style choices there´s basically no right or wrong but maybe these thoughts are somewhat helpful anyway...


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
I liked it a lot. I agree with Lyle on the rhythm of the steal. I also think the hands being shown was a tad too slow for the routine. Other than that I really liked the black and white and choice of piano music. Reminds me of Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy kind of stuff
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