Daniel Madison | DANGEROUS | Mystique

Hello this is my review of DANGEROUS|mystique by d+M.

Ok to start off I am a but disapointed with this. There is not much new stuff. Its pretty much just old effects just revamped. But anyway I was pleased with the teaching of the effects and the layout of it. Now if you already have The Daniel Madison Trilogy, I probally wouldnt get this. Becouse there is not much new effects on it. But its your choice.

VIDEO|quality: Ok I got the download version of DANGEROUS, the quality of the video is very nice. But I have found with all T11 downloads, that when you Maximise the window the quality get very blocky. And if you watch it at the original size its not that big. The whole thing is in black|WHITE, you may not like this but it worked for me.:) 8/10

TEACHING: The teaching of the effects is great. Daniel goes over the effects very clealy. 9/10

BAD INFLUENCE: I like this trick. I will use it allot. Its is very simple. Iam not sure if this is in The Trilogy. 8/10

ACES: This is a nice 4 Aces revalation. Daniel teaches Popsyble for the first Ace. It can be done in the spectators hand or on a table. This is taught in TWO under F***in Aces. 8/10

ANGLE ZERO: Ok this trick is nice. Its not one of my favourites. It easy to do. Impromtu with no duplicates. The corner can be found anywhere the performer wants. It is taught in TWO, but Daniel teaches a little subtly that makes the effect soo much better. 7/10

CATCH: This one of my favourites from the DVD. Its a very nice sandwich routine. Its a bit knacky but it great when you have it down. The spectator can catch the sandwich as it flys out of the deck or you can catch it. 9/10

COLOR: I love color its a very fast color change. Thers two different verison taught, one for a small crowd and one for a big crowd. Its a variation of the Shapshifter change. I use it in Tivo Transpo by DnD. 9.5/10

HALF VANISH: This is also a sandwich routine with a killer ending. I love the vanish, becouse the card vanishes one half at a time. It can be done in a routine or just a vanish. 9/10

HERITAGE: This is nice routine, where the spectator completes a 5 card straight from a different deck. This was taught in ONE. 7/10

LAPSE: This is a impromtu transposition of two signed cards. I like it but its not really my style. It is taught in ONE. 7/10

FOCUS: Focus can be a change or a transposition type effect. Its sort of a varistaion of DGs Ego Change. 8/10

ROLE PLAY: I love this effect. In this trick the spectator becomes the performer. 8/10

BREACH: There is two impromtu variations of Breach taught. One decending and one asending. I dont like the asending version, but love the desending version it looks so real. These are in the Orignal BREACH booklet. 9.5/10

Overall: This is a great DVD. If you dont own any of Daniels stuff. You should pick this up. But if you already own Daniels stuff, think twice before buying it.

Well I hoped you like this review.


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