Hi! I’m new to this website, but does anyone have any good recommendations for mentalism tricks! My budget is up to $150ish
Hi! I’m new to this website, but does anyone have any good recommendations for mentalism tricks! My budget is up to $150ish
This. Do you want to learn a trick or do you want to learn mentalism? If you want to learn a trick, take the suggestion I gave above. If you want to learn mentalism then listen to these other 2 gentlemen.May I recommend that you don't look for tricks, but rather get some learning resources such as books. For your budget you could get a couple of great books on mentalism and get enough of a foundation from them to design your own routines. Getting four or five mentalism tricks will be fun but chances are you'll only learn four or five principles/methods.
a lot of the classic "theory" is out of date
What do you mean by that?