Good Mentalism Effects!

Apr 8, 2020
Hi! I’m new to this website, but does anyone have any good recommendations for mentalism tricks! My budget is up to $150ish


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Welcome to T11 and the forums!

I have a couple of questions that will help us point you in the right direction:

1. How long have you been performing magic and how long have you been performing mentalism?
2. What resources (books, DVDs, downloads, effects) do you already have?
3. What mentalism effects do you currently perform?
4. Where do you perform the most? (e.g. among friends, stand up shows, for strangers at the mall, the Magic Castle, etc.)
5. Are there any performers who's style you like?
Sep 1, 2007
Hi! I’m new to this website, but does anyone have any good recommendations for mentalism tricks! My budget is up to $150ish

May I recommend that you don't look for tricks, but rather get some learning resources such as books. For your budget you could get a couple of great books on mentalism and get enough of a foundation from them to design your own routines. Getting four or five mentalism tricks will be fun but chances are you'll only learn four or five principles/methods.



Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
May I recommend that you don't look for tricks, but rather get some learning resources such as books. For your budget you could get a couple of great books on mentalism and get enough of a foundation from them to design your own routines. Getting four or five mentalism tricks will be fun but chances are you'll only learn four or five principles/methods.

This. Do you want to learn a trick or do you want to learn mentalism? If you want to learn a trick, take the suggestion I gave above. If you want to learn mentalism then listen to these other 2 gentlemen.
Feb 8, 2019
Aiken, SC
I would agree that you should start with books instead of just tricks. That way you will have a good foundation. I’ve been getting into mentalism recently as well, and find the following books/ resources very helpful. I would suggest getting the following books in this order:

1. Self-working mental magic-Karl Fulves
2. Tricks of the Mind- Derren Brown
3. Fundamentals-Bob Cassidy
4. Prism-Max Maven
5. Live Lectures DVD’s
6. Practical Mental Effects-Anneman
7. 13 Steps to Mentalism-Corinda

Number one isn’t really essential unless you are an absolute beginner but I found it interesting. Many people would tell you to start with 13 steps and PME, however, I find these books outdated and because of that hard to read without a good background in mentalism. Hope this helps, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Sep 20, 2009
Bob Cassidy -

what kind of Mentalism do you want to do? a lot of the classic "theory" is out of date, a lot of the classic methods have been updated, or given variations, modifications, and personal handlings

are you looking into more mind-reading, predictions, stage, close-up, parlor, walk-around, PSI,

who are some mentalists you have seen you enjoy?
Sep 20, 2009
What do you mean by that?

I should have said Methods and thoughts, although I do view some theory as outdated insofar as to me theory is just someone saying what works for them, not a "rule" or the only way too look at something, and everyone has different approaches, different "takes" theory can be a tool, but not a platform, and some of it is outdated, especially since it was dealing with the situation more focused on the time it was written and their experiences in that time


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I'm not sure if 'out of date' really applies, though.

I use techniques and theories that have been around for centuries. Theories and methods don't really go out of date, it's the presentations that stop being relevant.
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