lol You didn't come off as a jerk at all

I was literally just trying to find the best way to accept your answer. My bad
I am interested in this now. If you ever find out, let me know!
Ok, good!
I know it's anti-magician to share the "how-to's" but I have no other idea how to do this. So, here it goes breaking the rules.
From what I remember, (if you're right handed) you riffle the deck with the left thumb while supporting the deck, gripping with the fingers palm up. With the right hand, you grip the deck palm down with the pinky obscured maintaining the break. When the spectator says "stop", you slide your right and up along the side, with the break maintained, up around the front. At the same time you're lowering the front of the deck. You then lift with the right hand at the break to show the "chosen card". Since the deck is so large, the running of the right hand up along the side actually looks justified and nobody thinks twice.
I also (kinda) came up with the idea that if you want to keep your right hand free from touching the deck as long as possible, just bottom-jog the chosen card slightly while taking your hand away after the cut. Even though you break with the opposite hand with small decks, this "bookmarking" also works with small decks, just in case you want to set the deck down for a second or something.