Mar 15, 2017
Based on a few books i have read, I mostly see that the effects are for stage and table mentalism.

Are there any books i can purchase and read that does not require things such as a table, an assistant, a suit , etc. I'm looking for things that i can do casually (preferably standing with a group of people around me) on a daily basis.

Some practical effects where i can get to know a card the person is thinking about (i know that's not how mentalism works but you know what i mean).
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
@Arif Ammirul -

To do the good stuff, you have to put in some effort.

Get a copy of Anneman's The Jinx. I think it is available if you set up a free subscription to Ask Alexander. You can also buy a PDF of it at the Conjuring Arts Research Center or For around $15 (or FREE if my reccolection is correct), you will get hundreds of mentalism and card magic effects. You just need to read through a lot if material and come up with a way to apply it. It is a bit dated, but there are a whole bunch of gems in there.

If you like stuff with cards, check out Max Maven's Prism and John Bannon's Mentalisimo.

To go down the path of "true" mentalism, read Craig Browning's FREE Introduction to Mentalism e-book HERE.

For books, get Annemann's Practical Mental Magic and Karl Fulves' Self Working Mental Magic. Then get Bob Cassidy's Fundamentals (there is a great list of books at the end). Learn a good billet switch (check out the e-book Switchcraft) - that an a pad of paper can entertain for hours. Then pick up 13 Steps to Mentalism. Then get Banachek's Psychological Subtleties - all three volumes. Then go advanced with books like T.A. Water's Mind, Myth and Magik and Ted Leslie's Paramiracles.
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To get the desired effect.

First learn some good peek methods.

I'd also study these guys as they are literally on the cutting edge of "propless mentalism"

by mindful, that Propless mentalism isn't always "without writing" and "billets."

But if you are proficient at billet work, you have to start with

Fraser Parker
Peter Turner
Ross Tayler
Robert Watkins
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