Impromptu mentalism.

Mar 15, 2017
I've been reading a few books on mentalism but most of them are for stage performance and set-up tricks. Is there any good mentalism effects where people can just come to me and say"Hey magic man! Do a trick for us" and that i would be prepared even without preparing anything before hand?


Elite Member
Jul 18, 2015
Marc Spellman's What Am I Thinking DVD has some decent impromptu mentalism on it.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
"Hey magic man! Do a trick for us"

1. Magic and mentalism are different disciplines although you can do mental magic which is magic "tricks" with a psychological presentation.

2. I usually don't think it is a goood idea to do tricks on command, unless you are a trained dog or seal.

3. In both magic and mentalism, most "impromptu" stuff means it is something you have prepared for ahead of time

4. Get Max Maven's Prism book - it has a lot of effects that you can carry with you.
My buddy and I working on this project using borrowed money such as coins and bills. Another concept I have been playing with is Tequila Hustler Deluxe which can use a borrowed coin. ID7 by Rick Lax has potential to be good if you can come up with your own presentation. Shoot me a PM if you need more advice.
Mar 30, 2017
As stated above the two areas (magic and mentalism) are two completely different genres. There are some magic effects that have a "mentalism feel" to them, but most of them are not impromptu. I would recommend carrying a small set with you at all times. That way you can be ready to perform at a moments notice. That being said, I also agree with RealityOne that you do not want to come off as a trained dog. Thats not a good look for anybody.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Yes, there's a ton of it, due to the inherent nature and history of mentalism.

This is where magic and mentalism diverge in a mechanical sense (as opposed to their theatrical differences).

A magician does tricks and routines, a mentalist employs systems. When you have studied the fundamentals of mentalism, and put the practice into it, you can create a show out of nothing whenever you want. Maybe borrow some slips of paper and a pen and you're good to go. I, personally, have free-styled an hour long performance before with absolutely nothing. I don't recommend trying to do that, but I was at a party and having a good time and suddenly realized how long I'd been monopolizing the attention.

But here's the thing - you cannot approach this like a magician. You can't think of it like tricks to be executed so that you can accept the applause at the end. You have to understand the fundamental differences to the performance of these separate but related performance styles to get the most of out them.

What mentalism resources have you studied?
To get the desired effect.

First learn some good peek methods.

I'd also study these guys as they are literally on the cutting edge of "propless mentalism"

by mindful, that Propless mentalism isn't always "without writing" and "billets."

But if you are proficient at billet work, you have to start with

Fraser Parker
Peter Turner
Ross Tayler
Robert Watkins
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