Justin Miller's Doppelganger control

Nov 24, 2013
I'm not sure if many people questions about products from non theory 11 websites but I don't see why not. I was wondering about Justin Miller's Doppelganger control because I've been needing a reliable control that is natural looking and I can use it in any performance. The classic double undercut just doesn't cut it for me(no pun intended) and I just think it looks weird to the spectator. On video, the doppelganger control looks so natural and i feel that I can use it in any performance but I don't know that for sure. Is it angle sensitive? Is it not practical? That's what I want to know. Thanks.
Jun 27, 2013
Its pretty good not really angle sensitive but I know there are better ways ex) Classic Pass, Bluff Pass, DPS, Cascade Control (really good). There are a bunch of natural controls out there but if you like this one you won't be disappointed. It is done the way you think it is just a heads up.


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2013
The best control i have seen and use is the wine control. Its easy and you actually shuffle the cards. You can show the top and bottom of the deck. Its great. Just type on google, you will find it


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Oh and if you have a recommendation of what I'm looking for then please point me yonder :)

There are ... a lot of controls that fit your description. Study basic card magic is my recommendation.

I like the Doppleganger control. It's fairly easy (Just slightly knacky) and looks natural when done smoothly.

I disagree that the pass is a better control, though. The pass was a move that was invented during a time when cards were just pieces of paper. It was the way to control cards because it was the only way to control cards, for the most part. They didn't slide around like they do now so doing swivel steals and such was pretty much impossible. At this point, though, using the pass to control a single card is kind of the sledgehammer approach. There are much easier and more natural ways to control a card.

The simplest of which I would say is just put the card where you want it and seem like you're not doing that.

But since you folks seem to love lists so much... Natural ways to control a card:
PPP, Cherry Control, Cascade Control, Squeeze Shift, second deal control, side steal, overhand shuffle control, Praxis Control, Marlow Tilt ... That's all I can think of without opening a book or checking my videos.

Most controls will seem natural if you put the effort into making them seem natural.
Nov 24, 2013
Thanks for the input guys and just to clarify I am aware of all the pass controls but I just wanted a control that wasn't the pass or a variation of the pass. I do however lack some basic moves because I never really learned stuff in order. I got training from youtube videos and I just did whatever looked cool. I've been meaning to get the royal road to card magic book but I just haven't found time and trust me I've moved on from learning from youtube.
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