Looking for the cleanest ACAAN ever

Feb 13, 2019
I’m looking for an ACAAN routine that I have seen Chris Ramsey used in this video at - 2:13

I was wondering if it’s a common product and if so where can you buy it from.

If you have any other routines similar let me know;)


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
There are a lot of ACAAN tricks on the market. The one Chris uses is great but it does not always turn out that way.

Study Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz.
Other methods I know off the top of my head are:
Ice Cold ACAAN and Tempus- Ellusionist
YAMFACAAN and A.A.C.A.A.N - Art of Magic
Position Impossible - Theory 11
Feb 13, 2019
There are a lot of ACAAN tricks on the market. The one Chris uses is great but it does not always turn out that way.

Study Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz.
Other methods I know off the top of my head are:
Ice Cold ACAAN and Tempus- Ellusionist
YAMFACAAN and A.A.C.A.A.N - Art of Magic
Position Impossible - Theory 11

Thanks for your quick answer. I will look into some of these effect, and see what I can find.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
The ACAAN is a deep rabbit hole! You can spend a lot of money in your search. The best way to narrow it down is to decide for you what is most important for you regarding the effect and procedure. Then try to focus on effects that make those same things a priority. I see on Penguin, Dani DaOrtiz just put one out that looks good. I love his stuff.
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
The cleanest ACAAN I have ever performed goes as follows:

Hand the spectator the deck and let them shuffle it. Then ask them to name any card, then tell them to think of any number and deal that many cards facedown I to your hand. Use a card index to palm the named card and pretend to turn over the last card dealt. It is extremely clean and fair and uses minimal effort. Just a bit of audience management and timing.
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