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Elite Member
Nov 25, 2016
Hi guys, in this last 2/3 months, I've started looking for tricks that fool magicians(I'm enlarging my repertory of this kind). I know, someone will tell me that most of the tricks, if well presented and executed, can fool a magician, and I know that's true. But what I'm talking about is that kind of tricks that blow magician's mind, most of these use mathematical principles as Penelope principle, or the principle of the equal piles or things like that. I read Ramon Rioboo's thinking the impossible and Aronson's Simply Simon, and I'm searching for other DVDs and books where I can find this kind of tricks. Thank you :)
Jan 26, 2017
This is all a subjective thing. Every person has a completely different repertoire and knowledge when it comes to magic. A blinding card trick would blow the pants off anyone who has spent almost their entire career in mentalism. At the same time, a simple french drop might mess with a self taught gambler/cheating magician.

Again, it boils down to the performance.
Aug 25, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
I have to concur. I've been studying mentalism for a while but I'm a card guy and have been for 2 decades. That being said, I'm still often blown away by mentalism (even if the trick is done with cards).
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Jul 15, 2017
You can "fool" a lot of us by really well done mentalism. The other thing I know that gets me, is when someone uses a technique or gimmick that I know and changes it up from how I know it's normally done. Best example I have is, I was at a local magic shop and the owner showed a couple of us a really cool trick. He had us pick a card, it was a 7 of spades. He then went into a svengali routine. So all of us where like, "Sure sure, svengali deck, we all have one of them and we all know how to use it." Then after the routine he turned the deck around and spread it out to show there was only one 7 of spades. It was really cool. On a side note, his deck switches are on point.

I hope this helps.
Jan 26, 2017
It doesn't just have to be mentalism either. Coin tricks are amazing. There are card tricks that blow people away. Even Sponge balls. Pretty much anything. You aren't going to find anything that fools everyone, unless it is a completely new principal or thing that you invented.
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Jul 28, 2015
Hi guys, in this last 2/3 months, I've started looking for tricks that fool magicians(I'm enlarging my repertory of this kind). I know, someone will tell me that most of the tricks, if well presented and executed, can fool a magician, and I know that's true. But what I'm talking about is that kind of tricks that blow magician's mind, most of these use mathematical principles as Penelope principle, or the principle of the equal piles or things like that. I read Ramon Rioboo's thinking the impossible and Aronson's Simply Simon, and I'm searching for other DVDs and books where I can find this kind of tricks. Thank you :)
To answer your question... If you're looking for tricks that fool magicians take something they might now, it can be a move a principle, and tweak it a little until it's something they wouldn't recognize... For example I have a simple routine that often fools magicians, why? because it relies on a bit of chance and jazzing if necessary, while they're occupied looking for moves and principles everything flies right by them... again this is just one example

Another suggestion is learn a memorized stack, some of the strongest and in this case magician fooling magic is done using this tool...


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
"Tour de Force" is my go to magician fooler. It is available on the marketplace if you care to take a look.

As for other stuff that is not just a shameless plug for obrienmagic content, lol I would suggest anything that is "self working" that has a clever presentation. Obviously avoid things like the "21 card trick," but a clever and well presented self worker will definitely fry me.

Also consider using a stacked deck. However more and more magicians are becoming privy to these types of effect.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Use a short card.

Haha! Seriously though :)

On the bright side there is a lot of math magic out there. On the not so bright side, I like that there are specific effects that I can fool magicians with and I like to keep them for myself (Especially hen I feel I can add something unique to a plot or idea). I think you have all the info you need to do your own digging. I apologize for my reluctance to share my own nuggets.
Nov 10, 2013
Hello OP

People in this thread have no idea what they are talking about

I love to perform “magician fooling” effects; I have many of them.

What they say that you can fool a magician with a routine designed for layman “as long as it’s well performed” it’s nonsense. As long as a magician has a moderate knowledge of magic and is not a complete moron, you are not going to fool him with a DL, card control, etc. You need more sofisticated material.

Overall speaking (I repeat: overall) you won’t fool a magician with sleight of hand. You have to go the other way: principles that not involve manipulation, as you already very did.

You can try with the latest EMC Max Maven videos, and also his Videomind series. They have quite some fooling material.
The latest Ben Earl releases are also good.

Honestly I don’t have one source: it’s material that you collect from everywhere. A lot of routines that would be unsuitable for laymen (counting cards, etc) are actually very good for magicians.

Good luck
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